Verse Index for John

This index is designed to provide quick access to Bible studies by verse and by lesson number. Select either a verse or lesson number and click on the link. I pray that this will be helpful in finding information. As new lessons are posted, links to them will be added. 

Lesson #1 Introduction to the Gospel of John

John 1:1-3  Lesson #2 The Word Became Flesh
John 1:1-3  Lesson #3 His Infinite Majesty
John 1:1-3  Lesson #4 The Word
John 1:1-3  Lesson #5 Observations
Lesson #6 In Him Was Life
John 1:4  Lesson #7 Life Produces Light
Lesson #8 John the Witness
John 1:14  Lesson #9 Behold His Glory
Lesson #10 A Personal Note
John 1:9-13 Lesson #11Those Who Receive
John 1:16-18 Lesson #12 Grace Upon Grace
John 1:19-28 Lesson #13 Who Am I
John 1:26-27 Lesson #14 Three Testimonies
John 1:1:29-31 Lesson #15 The Lamb of God
Miscellaneous Material was Inserted
     Padina's Story
     Update on Friend
     The Word
     God Is Sovereign
     The Missing Verse
     God's Love for Us
John 1:29 Lesson #16 Baptizes with the Holy Spirit
John 1:29 Lesson #17 The Effects of Baptism
John 1:35-39 Lesson #18 A Transition
John 1:40-42  Lesson #19 We Have Found the Messiah
John 1:43-46 Lesson #20 Jesus Calls Philip
John 1:47-51 Lesson #21 Conversation Between Jesus and Nathanael
John 1:1-51 Lesson #22 Thirteen Titles for Jesus

John 2:1-2 Lesson #23 A Wedding at Cana
John 2:3-5 Lesson #24 Obedient Son
John 2:3-5 Lesson #25 My Hour has not Come
John 2:6-8 Lesson #26 Purification
John 2:6-11 Lesson #27 The Perfect Bridegroom
John 2:12-13 Lesson #28 Time to Travel Again
John 2:14-17 Lesson #29 Cleansing the Temple
John 2:18-22 Lesson #30 Which Temple
John 2:23-25 Lesson #31 Wrong Understanding
Lesson #32 Free but Costly

John 3:1-4 Lesson #33 Born from Above
John 3:5-8 Lesson #34 Born of Water and Spirit
John 3:9-12 Lesson #35 How Can These Things Be?
John 3:13-15 Lesson #36 The Son of Man from Heaven
John 3:13-15 Lesson #37 Jesus and the Snake
John 3:13-15 Lesson #38 From Curse to Rescue
John 3:13-15 Lesson #39 A Compelling Picture
John 3:16-18 Lesson #40 An Introduction to John 3:16 - 18
John 3:16 Lesson #41 God
John 3:16 Lesson #42 World
John 3:16 Lesson #43 Gave
John 3:16 Lesson #44 Son
John 3:16 Lesson #45 Believes
John 3:16 Lesson #46 Perish
John 3:16 Lesson #47 Life
John 3:16 Lesson #48 Love
John 3:16 Lesson #49 Love - Choosing Israel
John 3:16 Lesson #50 Love - New Birth
John 3:16 Lesson #51 Love - Greater Love
John 3:17-21 Lesson #52 Jesus Not a Judge
John 3:16-18 Lesson #53 A Link or Bridge
John 3:19-21 Lesson #54 Already Judged
John 3:16-21 Lesson #55 Set Free
John 3:22-26 Lesson #56 On to the Land of Juda
John 3:17-30 Lesson #57 This Is God's Plan
John 3:29-30 Lesson #58 Humility Is Key
John 3:31 Lesson #59 Jesus Is Above All
John 3:32-34 Lesson #60 The Testimony of Jesus
John 3:34-35 Lesson #61 The Spirit Without Measure
John 3:3:31-36 Lesson #62 The Fork in the Road Is Jesus

John 4:1-6 Lesson #63 Why Did Jesus Leave Judea
John 4:5-8 Lesson #64 Jesus Did the Unthinkable
John 4:9-12 Lesson #65 Living Water
John 4:11-14 Lesson #66 The Gift of Living Water
John 4:15-19 Lesson #67 Uncovering Needs
John 4:15-19 Lesson #68 Is the Heart Ready?
John 4:16-21 Lesson #69 Jesus as Prophet
John 4:20-22 Lesson #70 We are to Worship the Father
John 4:22 Lesson #71 True Worship
John 4:23-26 Lesson #72 The Requirements of Worship
John 4:27-42 Lesson #73 An Interesting Sandwich
John 4:27-30 Lesson #74 A Woman with a Mission
John 4:39-42 Lesson #75 The City People Respond
John 4:31-38 Lesson #76 The Food Jesus Has
John 4:35-38 Lesson #77 One Event: Sowing and Reaping
John 4:43-45 Lesson #78 On the Move Again
John 4:46-54 Lesson #79 The Question of Belief

John 5:1-9 Lesson #80 Healing the Man at the Pool
John 5:10-14 Lesson #81 God Makes Choices
John 5:13-17 Lesson #82 A Call to Holiness
John 5:18 Lesson #83 Jesus Is Equal with God
John 5:19-21 Lesson #84 Total Submission
John 5:22-24 Lesson #85 Scripture Tension
John 5:25 Lesson #86 The Voice of the Son of God
John 5:26 Lesson #87 Jesus Has Life in Himself
John 5:27 Lesson #88 Who Is Worthy to Execute Judgment
John 5:28-29 Lesson #89 Done Good or Done Evil
John 5:30-32 Lesson #90 There Are Other Witnesses
John 5:33-35 Lesson #91 The Witness of John the Baptist
John 5:36 Lesson #92 The Witness of Works
John 5:37-38 Lesson #93 The Witness of the Father
John 5:39-47 Lesson #94 The Witness of Scripture

John 6:1-4 Lesson #95 From Jerusalem to a Mountain Desert
John 6:5-10 Lesson #96 Seat the Crowd
John 6:11-13 Lesson #97 Feeding the Five Thousand
John 6:14-15 Lesson #98 This Certainly Is the Prophet
John 6:16-21 Lesson #99 Jesus Walks on Water
John 6:22-26 Lesson #100 Logistics
John 6:27 Lesson #101 Food to Work For
John 6:28-32 Lesson #102 Trying to Comprehend
John 6:33-36 Lesson #103 Unable to Believe
John 6:37-40 Lesson #104 Assurance of Salvation
John 6:41-44 Lesson #105 A Verse that Divides Us
     John 6:37 Lesson #106 The Father's Choice
     John 6:63-65 Lesson #107 The Father Grants Authority
     John 8:47 Lesson #108 Whoever Is of God
     John 10:26-27 Lesson #109 My Sheep Hear My Voice
     John 12:37-40 Lesson #110 Some Cannot Believe
John 6:45-47 Lesson #111 We Are Taught by Bod
John 6:48-51 Lesson #112 I Am the Bread of Life
John 6:52-54 Lesson #113 His Flesh and Blood
John 6:55-56 Lesson #114 True Food and True Drink
John 6:57-58 Lesson #115 The Flow of Life
John 6:59-62 Lesson #116 Do You Take Offense at This?
John 6:63-65 Lesson #117 The Flesh Is No Help
John 6:66-71 Lesson #118 Who Is Your Lord?
John 6 Lesson #119 A Personal Note

John 7:1 Lesson #120 Where Are You Walking
John 7:2-5 Lesson #121 Who Do You Believe Jesus Is?
John 7:6-9 Lesson #122 Not Yet Time
John 7:10-13 Lesson #123 Expectation and Tension
John 7:14-17 Lesson #124 The Teaching of Jesus
John 7:18-20 Lesson #125 Whose Authority
John 7:21-24 Lesson #126 Acceptance of Truth
John 7:25-31 Lesson #127 Who Is Jesus?
John 7:28-31 Lesson #128 Can This Be the Christ?
John 7:32-34 Lesson #129 Sent to Arrest Jesus
John 7:35-36 Lesson #130 Where Will Jesus Go?
John 7:37-39 Lesson #131 Rivers of Living Water
John 7:40-44 Lesson #132 Division Among the People
John 7:45-48 Lesson #133 Lack of Belief
John 7:49-52 Lesson #134 The Defense of Nicodemus

John 8:1-7 Lesson #135 The Adulterous Woman
John 8:8-11 Lesson #136 The Adulterous Woman - Continued
John 8:12 Lesson #137 I Am the Light of the World
John 8:13-14 Lesson #138 Jesus Ranks Above Men
John 8:15-18 Lesson #139 My Testimony Is True
John 8:19-20 Lesson #140 Where Is Your Father?
John 8:21-22 Lesson #141 I Am Going Away; You Can't Come!
John 8:23-25 Lesson #142 You Will Die in Your Sins Unless
John 8:26-30 Lesson #143 To Know that I Am He
John 8:31-36 Lesson #144 The Truth Will Set You Free
John 8:37-38 Lesson #145 The Son Provides True Freedom
John 8:39-42 Lesson #146 Your Father the Devil
John 8:43-44 Lesson #147 Your Works Reflect the Devil
John 8:45-47 Lesson #148 What Divides Us?
John 8:48-50 Lesson #149 Knowing the Source of One's Value
John 8:51-53 Lesson #150 He Will Never See Death
John 8:54-55 Lesson #151 The Condemnation of Silence
John 8:56-59 Lesson #152 Before Abraham was, I AM
John 8 Lesson #153 Another Personal Note

John 9:1-4 Lesson #154 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
John 9:5-7 Lesson #155 The Method Used to Heal
John 9:8-12 Lesson #156 Confusion Over Who and How
John 9:13-17 Lesson #157 Jesus Must Be a Sinner
John 9:18-23 Lesson #158 The Need to Stand Firm
John 9:24-27 Lesson #159 Seeking a Contradiction
John 9:28-34 Lesson #160 Evidence of Divine Mission
John 9:35-38 Lesson #161 The Man's Spiritual Growth
John 9:39-41 is found at the beginning of Lesson #163

John 10:1-3 Lesson #162 The Sheep Know Their Shepherd
John 10:2-6 Lesson #163 The Shepherd of the Sheep
John 10:7-10 Lesson #164 I Am the Door
John 10:11-12 Lesson #165 The Good Shepherd
John 10:12-15 Lesson #166 The Unreliable Hired Man
John 10:16 Lesson #167 I Have Other Sheep
John 10:16 Lesson #168 I Must Bring Them Also
John 10:17-18 Lesson #169 Why the Father Loves the Son
John 10:19-21 Lesson #170 Division and Resistance
John 10:22-25 Lesson #171 Do Not Keep Us in Suspense
John 10:25-30 Lesson #172 Are You One of His Sheep?
John 10:31-33 Lesson #173 Evidence that Jesus Is God
John 10:34-42 Lesson #174 Understand Who I Am by My Works

John 11:1-2 Lesson #175 Lazarus Is Sick
John 11:3-6 Lesson #176 Lazarus Dies
John 11:7-13 Lesson #177 Go to Awaken Him
John 11:14-16 Lesson #178 We Go So that You May Believe
John 11:17-24 Lesson #179 Martha Meets Jesus On the Road
John 11:25-30 Lesson #180 The Conversation Between Martha and Jesus
John 11:31-33 Lesson #181 Mary Goes to Meet Jesus
John 11:34-39 Lesson #182 At the Tomb
John 11:38-43 Lesson #183 The Preparation and the Call
John 11:44-46 Lesson #184 Power of the Spoken Word
John 11:47-50 Lesson #185 The Decision to Kill Jesus
John 11:51-53 Lesson #186 The Prophetic Words of Caiaphas
John 11:54-57 Lesson #187 Be On the Lookout

John 12:1-3 Lesson #188 Mary Anoints Jesus
John 12:4-6 Lesson #189 Mary's Heart of Devotion
John 12:7-8 Lesson #190 Jesus Rebukes Judas
John 12:9-11 Lesson #191 The Plot to Kill Lazarus
John 12:12-15 Lesson #192 The Triumphal Entry
John 12:16 Lesson #193 How Shall We Live?
John 12:17-19 Lesson #194 The Popularity of Jesus
John 12:20-23 Lesson #195 Seekers
John 12:24-26 Lesson #196 Death, Life, Service, Fruit
John 12:27-28 Lesson #197 My Soul Is Deeply Troubled
John 12:28-30 Lesson #198 The Voice from Heaven
John 12:31-33 Lesson #199 The Uniqueness and Power of the Cross
John 12:34-36 Lesson #200 Darkness to Light
John 12:36-38 Lesson #201 They Still Did Not Believe
John 12:39-40 Lesson #202 They Could Not Believe
John 12:41-43 Lesson #203 Are We Secret Believers?
John 12:44-46 Lesson #204 Characteristics of the Believer
John 12:47-48 Lesson #205 Christ Relationship to the Believer
John 12:49-50 Lesson #206 There Is Life in His Words

John 13:1 Lesson #207 Coming Departure
John 13:2-4 Lesson #208 Judas Decides to Betray Jesus
John 13:3-6 Lesson #209 My Foot Washing in China
John 13:7-9 Lesson #210 The Importance of Humility
John 13:10-13 Lesson #211 Have You Taken a Bath?
John 13:14-16 Lesson #212 The Example to Follow
John 13:16-17 Lesson #213 How Large Is Your Spiritual Gap?
John 13:18-20 Lesson #214 The Chosen Ones
John 13:21-26 Lesson #215 Judas Singled Out
John 13:26-30 Lesson #216 Satan Enters Judas
John 13:31-33 Lesson #217 The Love of Jesus for His Disciples
John 13:34-35 Lesson #218 A New Commandment
John 13:36-38 Lesson #219 Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial

John 14:1 Lesson #220 Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled
John 14:2-3 Lesson #221 A Place Prepared for Us
John 14:4-7 Lesson #222 Lord, We Don't Know the Way
John 14:6 Lesson #223 The Way, the Truth and the Life
John 14:6-7 Lesson #224 Jesus Is the Only Way
John 14:8-11 Lesson #225 Jesus and the Father Are One
John 14:12 Lesson #226 Doing the Works Jesus Did
John 14:12 Lesson #227 Greater Works You Will Do
John 14:13-14 Lesson #228 Ask for Anything in My Name
John 14:15-16 Lesson #229 The Love and Obedience Partnership
John 14:16-17 Lesson #230 The Promise of a Helper
John 14:18-20 Lesson #231 Not Left as Orphans
John 14:21-24 Lesson #232 How Much Do You Love Jesus
John 14:25-26 Lesson #233 The Importance of the Holy Spirit
John 14:27-28 Lesson #234 What Is Biblical Peace?
John 14:29-31 Lesson #235 The Ruler of the World Is Coming

John 15:1 Lesson #236 Jesus the True Vine
John 15:1 Lesson #237 Father Is the Vinedresser
John 15:2 Lesson #238 He Takes Away?
John 15:3 Lesson #239 How Does the Word Cleanse?
John 15:4 Lesson #240 Abide in Me
John 15:5 Lesson #241 No Jesus, No Fruit
John 15:6 Lesson #242 The Horror of Not Abiding
John 15:7 Lesson #243 Are You Making Proper Requests?
John 15:8-9 Lesson #244 What Evidence Do You Have?
John 15:10-11 Lesson #245 Conditions for Full Joy
John 15:12-13 Lesson #246 Sacrificial Love
John 15:14-15 Lesson #247 Are We His Friend?
John 15:16 Lesson #248 God Made the Choice
John 15:16-17 Lesson #249 Love, Sacrifice and Prayer
John 15:18-19 Lesson #250 Why Are We Not Hated
John 15:19 Lesson #251 Do You Belong to the IN or the OF Group
John 15:20-21 Lesson #252 The Norm Is Persecution
John 15:22-23 Lesson #253 Knowledge Increases Guilt
John 15:24-25 Lesson #254 Hated Without Cause
John 15:26-27 Lesson #255 An Effective Witness

John 16:1-2 Lesson #256 Persecution Is Normal
John 16:3-4 Lesson #257 They Do Not Understand
John 16:4-5 Lesson #258 We Need to Wake Up
John 16:6-7 Lesson #259 Does Sorrow Fill Your Heart
John 16:8 Lesson #260 The Convicting Work of the Helper
John 16:9-11 Lesson #261 Sin, Righteousness and Judgment
John 16:12-13 Lesson #262 When the Spirit of Truth Comes
John 16:13 Lesson #262 The Holy Spirit Declares the Future
John 16:14-15 Lesson #264 The Spirit Declares to Us
John 16:16-20 Lesson #265 What Does Little While Mean?
John 16:21-23 Lesson #266 Sorrow Now, Joy Later
John 16:23-24 Lesson #267 In the Name of Jesus
John 16:25-27 Lesson #268 Figures of Speech
John 16:26-28 Lesson #269 I Came but I Am Leaving
John 16:29-31 Lesson #270 Now You Are Speaking Plainly
John 16:32-33 Lesson #271 Peace or Tribulation

John 17:1 Lesson #272 The Hour Has Come
John 17:1-2 Lesson #273 Authority Over All
John 17:3 Lesson #274 This Is Eternal Life
John 17:4-5 Lesson #275 Father, Glorify Me
John 17:6 Lesson #276 Were You Given as a Gift to Jesus?
John 17:7-8 Lesson #277 How Well Do You Represent Jesus?
John 17:9 Lesson #278 Praying for Them
John 17:10 Lesson #279 What Is this Joint Ownership?
John 17:11 Lesson #280 Do You Feel Secure? Why Not?
John 17:12-13 Lesson #281 Security and Joy Is Ours
John 17:14 Lesson #282 Why Are We Not Persecuted?
John 17:15 Lesson #283 Why Are We Left in the World?
John 17:15 Lesson #284 Kept from the Evil One
John 17:16 Lesson #285 Are We "In" or "Of"?
John 17:17-19 Lesson #286 Sanctified in Truth, Sent into the World
John 17:20-21 Lesson #287 The Prayer for Unity
John 17:20-21 Lesson #288 The Diagram of Oneness
John 17:22 Lesson #289 The Hope of Glory
John 17:23 Lesson #290 Perfectly One
John 17:24 Lesson #291 To Know and to Love God

John 18:1-2 Lesson #292 On to the Garden
John 18:3-4 Lesson #293 The Beginning of the Execution
John 18:5 Lesson #294 I AM [he]
John 18:6-8 Lesson #295 Jesus Is in Control
John 18:9-11 Lesson #296 Not One Is Lost
John 18:10 Lesson #297 Who Is the Enemy?
John 18:11 Lesson #298 Drink the Cup
John 18:12-14 Lesson #299 The Arrest
John 18:15-16 Lesson #300 The Door of Temptation
John 18:17-18 Lesson #301 The First Denial
John 18:19-21 Lesson #302 Looking for a False Charge
John 18:22-24 Lesson #303 What Have I Done Wrong?
John 18:25-27 Lesson #304 The Second and Third Denial
John 18:28-29 Lesson #305 Jesus Brought Before Pilot
John 18:30-32 Lesson #306 Guilty Without Evidence
John 18:33-35 Lesson #307 Are You the King of the Jews?
John 18:36-38 Lesson #308 I Came to Bear Witness to the Truth
John 18:38-40 Lesson #309 Jesus Is Left in Limbo

John 19:1-2 Lesson #310 A Crown of Thorns
John 19:3-5 Lesson #311 Hail, King of the Jews!
John 19:6-8 Lesson #312 Innocent, but a New Charge
John 19:9-11 Lesson #313 The Frustration of Pilate
John 19:12-16 Lesson #314 Jesus Delivered to be Crucified
John 19:17-19 Lesson #315 Jesus Placed Between Two Criminals
John 19:20-22 Lesson #316 What I Have Written I Have Written
John 19:23-25 Lesson #317 Divided the Garments
John 19:26-27 Lesson #318 Behold Your Son
John 19:29-30 Lesson #319 It Is Finished
John 19:31-34 Lesson #320 The Day of Crucifixion
John 19:35-37 Lesson #321 Blood and Water
John 19:38-43 Lesson #322 Laid to Rest for a Time

John 20:1 Lesson #323 The Tomb was Open
John 20:2 Lesson #324 Jesus Is Gone
John 20:3-10 Lesson #325 Jesus Is Alive
John 20:11-14 Lesson #326 Mary Is Overcome with Grief
John 20:15-17 Lesson #327 From Grief to Ecstatic Joy
John 20:17-19 Lesson #328 I have Seen the Lord! Have You?
John 20:20-21 Lesson #329 It Is You! You are Alive!
John 20:22-23 Lesson #330 Sent Out with Power
John 20:24-25 Lesson #331 The Arrogant Unbelief of Thomas
John 20:26-29 Lesson #332 Doubting Thomas Believes
John 20:29-31 Lesson #333 Being Poured Out to Receive More

John 21:1-3 Lesson #334 Jesus with the Seven
John 21:4-8 Lesson #335 The Large Catch of Fish
John 21:9-11 Lesson #336 Obeying Jesus to Produce Results
John 21:12-14 Lesson #337 Come and have Breakfast
John 21:15-17 Lesson #338 How Much Do You Love Me?
John 21:15-17 Lesson #339 Are We Feeding and Tending?
John 21:18-19 Lesson # 340 Are You Willing to Die for Your Faith?
John 21:20-

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