Monday, March 14, 2016

The Preparation and the Call

Lesson #182

In our last lesson we started the next section, defined by John 11:38 – 44. The section begins with Jesus giving instructions to remove the stone that blocked the entryway to the tomb followed by Martha’s concern that maybe that was not such a good idea because surely by this time the body would begin to smell or as some translations say, “stink.” We will pick up the conversation at this point.

“Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”” (John 11:40 ESV). Jesus reminds Martha of their earlier conversation in which they talked about he being the resurrection, but Martha did not form a sufficient hope to expect some kind of miracle at this point. It seems that Jesus and Martha had more conversation than John recorded and from that conversation Jesus made it clear that if Martha believed what Jesus said, then she should now be expecting to see the glory of God. Are we not often like Martha when we read certain promises in the Bible? There is so much in our natural life, especially here in the west, that tends to interfere with our faith being able to live out the promise.

“So they took away the stone. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this on account of the people standing around, that they may believe that you sent me.”” (John 11:41 – 42 ESV). Not knowing what to expect, the people are obedient and took away the stone. As Jesus lifts up his eyes toward heaven there must have been dead silence to hear and see what he was going to do. Jesus begins by addressing God as his Father and thanks him for being readily available to hear him. But Jesus said, “you have heard me” implying that Jesus has already been in prayer about what is soon to take place. Jesus and his Father are clearly on the same page and are about to do something very revolutionary. This preliminary conversation with his Father is for the benefit of the people standing around, that they would have a stronger understanding that Jesus is the Son of God and that he was sent by his Father to accomplish the necessary work to secure our salvation. The demonstration that is about to take place is to advance the understanding of what that work involves.

Having establish communication with his Father, in the hearing of the people, Jesus then “cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out.”” (John 11:43 ESV). We will stop here and start the next lesson at this point.


Father, the point that stood out for me in this lesson was the question, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” Lord, in our western culture in which we have so much it seems we seldom have no other options but to call out to you for help and then watch your hand provide. As I read the testimonies of those under persecution, I realize their walk with you is very different than my walk with you is. Persecution provides so many opportunities to believe and see your glory that we don’t have here. 

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