Chapter 3 - Life in the Big City

Five short term trips over a two-year period introduced me to the Chinese people and their culture. I learned to adapt to living under several different conditions and experienced what it was like to not have the comfortable amenities of western living. There were times of excitement as new adventures opened up, but times of disappointment as the opportunities vanished. It was a time of hope as each trip was taken, but each one seemed to end adding doubt to future visits. The time came when I questioned the wisdom of going back. That is when God stepped in with the invitation to become more deeply involved in another city.

The decision to accept the invitation opened up a whole new world for me in Wuhan, China. Over the six-year period I spent there I had two main residences; the first was in my own high-rise apartment and the second was with a Chinese family that I became great friends with. In this chapter we will look at life and ministry while living in the apartment.

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