Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The First Denial

Lesson #301

Peter was brought into the courtyard where he could see and hear better what was going on, but he apparently remained near the door because the servant girl who kept watch at the door, turns to Peter and asks him if he wasn’t one of the disciples of Jesus. Peter has now come to a fork in the road; does he identify with Jesus and risk possible harm to himself or does he deny Jesus and try to protect himself?

“The servant girl at the door said to Peter, “You also are not one of this man's disciples, are you?” He said, “I am not.”” (John 18:17 ESV). We now have the answer to the above question. Why did Peter deny being one of the disciples? What did he fear since the servant girl did not bring any charge against him, but appear to express only words of recognizing Peter as being with John who was known to her as a disciple? Apparently Peter did not think of that, but instead recalled that he had been with Jesus and had attempted to kill one of the high priest’s servants. Maybe he feared this identification for this reason, but in any case, he firmly says, “I am not.”

It seems that the servant girl doesn’t press Peter any further and he moves away from her, maybe to avoid and further questioning. “Now the servants and officers had made a charcoal fire, because it was cold, and they were standing and warming themselves. Peter also was with them, standing and warming himself” (John 18:18 ESV). The charcoal fire that the servants and officers of the chief priests had made was located in the courtyard outside the house where Jesus was taken for questioning.

This being about the time of the Passover, the weather can be frosty at night and so a charcoal fire was started to provide some warmth for those waiting. Peter joined those beside the fire, probably for some warmth and to mix in with people so as to not stand out by being alone, but the company he joins turns out to be bad company for him.

John drops this part of the story, for now, and brings us up to date with what is happening to Jesus. We will leave that for the next lesson.


Father, there are some important lessons we can learn to this point. Peter had boasted that he would die before he would deny Jesus, but the Scriptures say: “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18 ESV). The boast had set Peter up to fail as a disciple of Jesus. If Peter had told the truth he would had remained faithful, but to protect himself he lies and instead of being set free he is brought further into the bondage of sin that began with the boast. Father, this is a temptation we all face from time to time and from them we need to learn, as Peter will, how to remain faithful and not be drawn into a trap that will ensnare us. Father, have mercy on us and help us walk with the Lord as we should.

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