Monday, December 5, 2016

Who Is the Enemy? (John 18:10)

Lesson #297

It was mentioned in the last lesson that we would revisit John 18:10 – 11 in this lesson: “Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear. (The servant's name was Malchus.) So Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup that the Father has given me?”” (ESV). First, we need to consider the difference between Jesus and Peter in relationship to our enemy and second, we need to consider the cup given to Jesus by his Father to drink.

Jesus presented himself as the righteous one from the Father, who came to purchase our salvation. His claims infuriated the Jewish leaders and in their anger and hate, they planned to kill him. Jesus knew why he was on earth and the events that would lead him to the cross. He also knew the timing and had the power and focus to arrive at the cross at a specific time, having accomplished the appropriate work along the way. This was accomplished without physical force or any violence, simply with spoken words and acts of power. When the time came he surrendered into their hands and died, finishing the work he was sent to do.

Then there was Peter who saw a different enemy and had a different approach. The enemy that Peter saw was the Roman government, which Peter felt could be overcome by the power and leadership of Jesus. If Jesus can change water to wine, can heal people, feed people with the spoken word, control the wind and the sea, raise the dead, and cause those coming to arrest him to fall down before him by saying “I AM”, then possibly Peter might have thought this could be the beginning of that uprising that he thought the Messiah would lead and so he strikes out with his sword believing that Jesus would then take the lead, but instead Jesus commands Peter to put away his sword, heals the damage done and again announces why he was sent to earth by his Father. Jesus knew what his mission was, but Peter had his own mission and it did not match that of Jesus.

This leads to the conclusion of the first point we were going to cover. Think about Christians in the world today and the forms of the enemy that they face. Anyone who truly identifies and walks with Jesus, intent on living a righteous and holy life will stir up hate in the lives of the unsaved. Over and over again Jesus made this very clear. We must not be deceived as Peter was and think that our enemy is some form of evil in this world. It is more than that; it is the power behind the evil, the power of darkness, the devil. In time Rome fell and was replaced by other world powers or kingdoms.

I think of my brothers and sisters living under persecution. They are not taking up weapons of the world in which to fight their enemy, but instead they are continuing to witness and as a result they suffer and many even die. Jesus died and purchased our salvation, rising victorious over death. These under persecution are suffering and even dying and as a result the church is seeing tremendous growth. What is the victory we are looking for and what are our instruments of warfare? If it is some kind of kingdom here on earth, then we line up behind Peter, but if it is the Kingdom of the beloved Son, then our instruments of warfare are quite different and we will approach our enemy with love and forgiveness as Jesus did, not with some form of violence, leaving justice in the hands of God.

We will get to the second point in the next lesson.


Father, this lesson was from my heart and I believe contains some things we need to think about today. I believe we need to identify our enemy and the effect it is having on us. I believe we need to stand against that enemy while we still have the freedom to do so, but when the enemy seems to gain the upper hand, strengthen us with your grace and fill us with your love so that we can stand with endurance and steadfastness of faith and continue to be a witness by loving our persecutors and forgiving them because they do not know what they are doing. Father, use our suffering and even the loss of our lives as a means of advancing the Kingdom of your beloved Son. 

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