Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Uncovering Needs

Lesson #67

The next section in our study covers John 4:15 – 26. In response to Jesus telling the woman who he was and that he could provide her with living water, the woman clearly communicated that she still did not understand the spiritual nature of the living water by saying, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water” (John 4:15 ESV). Like Nicodemus, she was still unable to understand spiritual things and therefore unable to understand what Jesus was saying. Jesus then realized that further conversation about living water would not be productive so he changed the focus of the conversation to her marriage by requesting her to “Go call your husband and come back here” (John 4:16 NET) to which she responds that she has no husband. Jesus then demonstrates his ability to know the lives of people, even their thoughts replies with, “You are right in saying, ‘I have no husband’; for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true” (John 4:17 – 18 ESV). This response surprises her and she responds with: “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet” (John 4:19 ESV).

We need to look more deeply at what we just covered to see if we can’t learn more about this woman. I believe this deeper insight is important because in this culture we often share the gospel without any real interest in the life of the person. Jesus never tried to convince the woman to believe something or to make some kind of decision. He knew there was a deeper issue in her life that he needed to uncover and then make a spiritual connection to. As we look at these verses do we see a possible clue that might open a door into her life?

In verse 15 and 16 is the word “here”. It seems that the woman doesn’t like to come “here” to the well to draw water and when she comes it is at noon when no one else will be there. Why does she not come in the morning along with other woman when it is cooler? In verse 16, Jesus makes reference to “here” by requesting that she go and get her husband, which she does not have, and bring him “here” with her. What is the connection? Might it be, for some reason, a painful experience for her to come to the well and is there a connection to the men in her life and this pain? Should not her husband come with her to draw water and protect her from this fear or is her fear related to her many husbands?

Jesus perceives that in her pain to come to the well and the fact that she has had five husbands and is now living with a man, is a sin problem that he can focus on with her that could show her an important need that Jesus can help her with spiritually. Jesus is searching for a way to get into her inner life to open the door to her need of salvation.

We are beginning to see the importance of establishing a caring relationship with the person we want to lead to salvation. Salvation is not simply making a decision. It is a manner of the heart. In our next lesson we will consider this further.


Father, thank you for teaching me, while I was in China that salvation is not winning a debate with a person that convinces them to pray a prayer, but is finding a need in a person’s life and showing how Jesus wants to meet that need. Thank you for teaching me that you determine the time of salvation, not me. Thank you for showing me that salvation is needs based not winning an argument.

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