Monday, June 1, 2015

The Testimony of Jesus

Lesson #60

Jesus who comes from heaven above has a message for us who are of the earth: 32 “He testifies about what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. 33 The one who has accepted his testimony has confirmed clearly that God is truthful. 34 For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God . . .” (John 3:32 – 34 NET). Since Jesus is the Son of God what he has to say is the word of God. Those who heard Jesus were hearing God speak to them. Today we have the Bible and learn from God as we read and the Holy Spirit opens it to us. But verse 32 tells us that no one accepts his testimony. From previous lessons we learned that anyone who has not been born spiritually is spiritually dead and does not understand spiritual things. These are the ones who do not accept his testimony.

John speaks of those who accept his testimony in verse 33. They are the ones who are born again and are spiritually alive. Those who accept his testimony believe what they hear and have the conviction that God is indeed truthful. These believers are convinced that God will fulfil all that he has promised and are willing to give their lives to follow him. We see these people in many closed nations giving their lives for their faith. I saw this in the house church movement in China when I taught there and had a close encounter with authorities. Most of my students were not so lucky.

It is clear that Jesus divides the population of the world into two parts; those who accept his testimony, come to him in faith, and obtain eternal live; and those who do not accept his testimony and remain of the earth and continue spiritually dead.

At the end of verse 34 is the difficult statement “for he gives the Spirit without measure.” (ESV) or “but boundless is the gift God makes of His Spirit!” (NET). If for no other reason than my own benefit, I want to spend some time considering what it means and will devote the next lesson to it.


Lord, what joy I have as I study your word to prepare these lessons. Each lesson is like being seated before a great meal. My heart aches for those who don’t take time to study or for those who don’t even take time to read. How they will groan in that day when they realize they lived life with the wrong priorities. Father, I pray for them and thank you for all you have done for me.

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