Monday, June 29, 2015

The Requirements of Worship

Lesson #72

In the last lesson we learned that location of worship was not important, but who the people were who were worshiping and their connection to the true God was. Only believers, through the person of Jesus Christ, can approach God in true worship. Then in John 4:23 Jesus points how one is to worship: “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him” (ESV). Up until now the temple in Jerusalem has been the place of worship, but now with the coming of Jesus worship is to focus on him.

Jesus has come to provide the way of salvation and only through him is the way to the Father and as a result through Jesus is the only way to true worship and that worship is to be in spirit and truth: “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24 ESV). To clarify the focus even more, we have learned through our study that Jesus is God who is seeking the worship of God, but who is able and willing to worship Jesus? Those who believe in him and are born again. The one who is truly saved is the one and only one who can truly worship. It is impossible then to separate being saved and God being worshiped. In similar fashion the believer does not truly love apart from obedience. We will cover that in a later lesson.

To worship in spirit implies the presence of spiritual life and thus being born again. Anyone can worship anything they want, but it is false worship. Only the one who is spiritually alive can understand and approach the living God and only the worship of the living God is true worship. To worship in truth implies spiritual life that understands the requirements of true worship. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus is our pass to the Father, but He and the Father are God and before them we bow in true worship. In Romans 3:11, Paul supports this by saying, “there is no one who understands, there is no one who seeks God” (NET). Only the one who is spiritually alive is able to experience true worship.

To this the woman replies with, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things” (John 4:25 ESV). She acknowledges his understanding of things to which Jesus replies, “I who speak to you am he” (John 4:26 ESV). This Messiah who she says is coming, Jesus identifies as himself.


Father, until this lesson I have never really thought about true worship, its requirements, and its uniqueness. I can also see that true worship is invisible to the spiritually dead. Spiritual life provides the light that brings true worship into focus and the more holy my life is the stronger is the light and the clearer is my worship. Father, I am overwhelmed by what is available to me from my relationship with Jesus Christ. How thankful I am for these studies in John to learn more about you and your Son and the life you want me to experience.

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