Wednesday, July 1, 2015

An Interesting Sandwich

Lesson #73

At times it is difficult to break down a section of verses to use for a short Bible lesson like these. As I read John 4:27 – 42, I noticed an unusual presentation of material arranged in three paragraphs. As I read those paragraphs I couldn’t help but think of a sandwich because of their content. The first paragraph, defined by John 4:27 – 30, describes the woman going to the town to tell of her encounter with Jesus at the well. She describes him as a very unusual person that she thinks might be the Messiah, the Christ. Based on this information from her they decided to go see Jesus and hear for themselves.

In the next paragraph, defined by John 4:31 – 38, you would expect John to continue by explaining what happened when the city people arrived, but he didn’t. He waited until the third paragraph to describe that event. Like sandwich filling between paragraph 1 and paragraph 3 is this paragraph that describes the conversation Jesus had with the disciples when they returned before the city people arrived. Jesus talks about food to eat that they don’t know about. He connects this food with doing his will. Jesus also talks about sowing seeds from which a harvest will be obtained. Why is this paragraph placed between the woman going to tell the city people what she experienced and them coming to see for themselves? Are the topics of this paragraph needed to understand more deeply what is happening spiritually with the woman and the city people?

The third paragraph, defined by john 4:39 – 42, describes what happens when the city people arrive and hear what Jesus has to say to them. What they heard prompted them to ask Jesus to stay longer and share more with them. As he does there is a surprising spiritual awakening in the city, which makes a connection back to the seed sowing and the harvest of paragraph 2.

In future lessons we will look closely at these three paragraphs to understand them and see how they are connected to each other.


Father, as I drove from Dallas to western New York this past weekend, I had the opportunity to think deeply about the difference between what the world has to offer and what God has to offer. The difference is like comparing life and death and all that the Bible associates with each. Father, I find that time spent developing these lessons allows me the opportunity to see the benefit of belonging to Jesus Christ. I am so burdened for what Christians are missing in life by leaving the Bible and pursuing the empty claims of the world. 

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