Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Call to Holiness

Lesson #82

In our last lesson we were looking at the two issues found in John 5:13 – 14; first, “Why did Jesus quickly disappear into the crowd after healing the man without further conversation with him about spiritual matters?” and second “Why did he later find the man and speak to him about his sin?” We addressed the first issue and in this lesson we will look at the second.

As we look further into these two verses, we realize that the main purpose was not to heal the man, but to use his healing as an opportunity to have conversation with him about spiritual matters. Jesus begins that conversation by saying to the man, “See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you” (John 5:14 ESV). Jesus chooses a person who had a need that he was unable, on his own, to overcome. Jesus saw the need and chose to give a free gift of health, but there is something worse than being disabled for 38 years and that is enduring the wrath of God in Hell for an eternity for a life of sin.

Jesus demonstrated to this man that he has the power to provide health. In his conversation with the man after his healing he suggest that he also has power over sin to provide eternal life. In his conversation, Jesus moves the focus of the man’s need for health to the need to overcome the problem of sin. That is the same job that has been assigned to each one of us as believers. We are to intentionally create conversation with those in need of salvation to help them see their sin problem and how Jesus is the way to overcome it. Jesus later says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6 ESV).

As I look back over this incident at the pool I notice there are a great number there that need healing, but Jesus chose only one. We are not told why he chose that one and not someone else or why he chose only him. Also this healing did not remove future suffering for the man. When we receive the gift of eternal life this does not remove our battle with sin or the suffering we will experience before death. Full healing for the believer will occur at the second coming of Jesus. As with this man, Jesus provides a foretaste of the complete healing he will provide at his second coming. This statement to this man to “Sin no more” is a call to holiness. We receive that same call when we are born again.

Jesus chooses to work on the Sabbath by performing miracles to draw attention to the fact that his Father also works on the Sabbath; “And this was why the Jews were persecuting Jesus, because he was doing these things on the Sabbath. But Jesus answered them, “My Father is working until now, and I am working” (John 5:16 – 17 ESV). This raises a question; “Why is the Father working?” Did not God rest after creation? So, what is he working on? We will look at this in our next lesson.


Father, I am told to be holy as you are holy. This same command is given to the man that Jesus healed by saying, “Go and sin no more.” Lord, thank you for keeping me close to you by keeping me close to your word. Thank you for these studies because the word covered for these lessons are so spiritually nourishing. 

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