Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Scripture Tension

Lesson #85

In this lesson we will cover John 5:22 – 24 and deal with the tension found between verses 19 and 22. In verse 19, “The Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing” (ESV); in verse 22, “The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son” (ESV). It seems that in verse 22 Jesus does something that he does not see his Father doing. In John 3:17 we learned that God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save it. We need to consider what is not being said here. Based on verse 19 it can’t mean that Jesus doesn’t see the Father judging and goes ahead and judges anyway. We know from John 3:36 that God does judge because his wrath remains on the one who does not obey the Son.

Again a perfect union is seen here, but this time the standard is on the Son because of his unique involvement on the basis of judgment. This judgment is relative to the work Jesus accomplished on the cross. How a person is judged is based on that person’s relationship with Jesus. Lack of belief allows God’s wrath to remain on the person; belief removes it. All enter life under the wrath of God, but based on their relationship to Jesus can be removed from. Both Father and Son are involved in Judgment, but the critical point is the relationship with Jesus. This is pointed out in verse 23: “Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him” (ESV). Judgment remains on the person who fails to honor the Son. Judgment is determined on whether a person honors Jesus for who he really is. In that sense all judgment is given to the Son. As we study this it becomes clear that the Father and the Son are in perfect step with each other.

Verse 24 concludes this thought very well: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life” (ESV). Anyone who truly hears the gospel and comes to Jesus in belief will experience something awesome. That person will not come into judgment because the wrath that the person entered life with is removed through the work Jesus did on the cross. As a result that person passes from spiritual death on to eternal life.

Jesus heals the man beside the pool to get his attention so that a conversation could be had about his holiness; “Go and sin no more.” In the process of doing this Jesus makes it clear that he is not working alone, but in total union with his Father thus making himself equal with the Father. The two are inseparable in work and are inseparable in honor. Failure to honor the Son results in failure to honor the Father. This makes Jesus unique. He is the key that unlocks our passage to heaven. There is no other!


Father, as I ponder over these last two lessons, I am struck by the relationship between you and your Son. You have such love for your Son and he is in total submission to you. By this I am reminded of the Lord’s sacrificial love for me and the need for me to honor and submit to him. I am further reminded that as a husband I am to sacrificially love my wife and she is to respect and submit to me. In these three cases I see it is love that creates the bond of unity. Father, forgive me for falling so far short of the example expressed by Jesus.

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