Friday, July 3, 2015

A Woman with a Mission

Lesson #74

In the last lesson we reviewed the three paragraphs that make up the section defined by John 4:27 – 42. Further review of those paragraphs suggest that the words given to the disciples by Jesus in paragraph 2 provides us with a deeper understanding of what is happening with the woman and the people of the city of Sychar. We will focus first on the woman and the people from the city then we will use paragraph 2 to enhance our understanding.

Just as the disciples returned with food they went to get, the woman left her water pot and went back to the city and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” (John 4:29 ESV). This woman who was so despised and rejected as human trash, comes to the forefront with boldness and raises their curiosity to the point where they had to go and see this Jesus that she was raving about.

During the time the woman went to the city and returned with the city people, Jesus was left alone with his disciples who marveled (ESV), or were shocked (NET), or amazed (NASB) that he had been speaking with a woman, but for some reason they didn’t ask him about what he was seeking from her or why he was talking with her. This is a point we shouldn’t overlook.

For thousands of years women have been mistreated and considered inferior to men. The attitude is they exist to serve man, to provide, in most cultures, male children and provide pleasure. In most cases they are consider disposable items if they don’t meet the expectations of “their owner”. A source from which an understanding of this can be obtained is the movie “Veil of Tears” (click to see a gripping film trailer). The movie shows the plight of women in India.

As we continue our study of John we will see again and again where Jesus comes alongside the despised, rejected and abused and restores their value and dignity. Wherever Christianity goes there is great benefit for women. This you will see if you were to watch the film referenced above. Jesus has the power to restore woman to their rightful position in society. This is a lesson the disciples will need to learn.


Lord, thank you that abused women can find refuge, love and value through a relationship with you. How exciting it is to read and hear reports of what abused women can endure and even accomplish through your love and encouragement. It is difficult to comprehend what heaven will be like when all suffering from sin is removed and we are completely conformed into your image.

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