Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Persecution Is Normal

Lesson #256

With this lesson we begin chapter 16. As we look through this chapter, using the ESV translation, we find a short section of four verses at the beginning, which carry on the content of chapter 15. Following that are three major sections: “The Work of the Holy Spirit” (verses 4b – 15), “Your Sorrow Will Turn into Joy” (verses 16 – 24, and “I Have Overcome the World” (verses 25 – 33). Each chapter we work through is an adventure that benefits our lives. Remember, we are to “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV). So, shall we begin our study of chapter 16 with diligence?

“I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away” (John 16:1 ESV). This verse begins the conclusion of the last section of chapter 15 and probably should have been left there because it points back to the things Jesus shared with his disciples; things about being hated by the world. We were chosen out of the world by our Father and therefore the world hates us because they first hated Jesus. Jesus spoke with authority, explaining who he was and backed it up with many miracles, but they hated him for it and since we represent Jesus, they hate us. Their hate was expressed with reviling and threats and we can expect no less. Jesus is making it clear that we can expect suffering as a normal part of the Christian experience.

Jesus is sharing these things with his disciples and thus with us, so that when we experience persecution we will not try to escape suffering by falling away from the faith. Older translations used “be offended” in place of “falling away”. If something offends you, you may be inclined to withdraw from it, thus fall away from.

In addition to what has been said in chapter 15, Jesus adds the following: “They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God” (John 16:2 ESV). If they were to identify with belief in Jesus, then they would be put out of the synagogue and not be allowed to worship there. In a similar fashion, today if a person converts from Islam to Christianity, that person often is disowned by the family. In either case, being Christian is seen as one who brings dishonor to the unit they use to identify with.

It didn’t take long for the hour to arrive when some believed they were offering a service to God to kill those who identified with Jesus Christ. Saul was a prime example before Jesus interrupted his journey to Damascus. He honestly thought he was serving God by persecuting Christians, but when he met Jesus he realized how wrong he was. Today, this is a common belief in countries of persecution under Islam dominance. To kill a Christian, some believe they will gain entrance into heaven and receive a reward for doing a good deed. Satan is waging war with God and has enlisted many to search out Christians and eliminate those who continue to search for converts through their witness.


Father, even the killing of Jesus, the Jews believed they were offering a service to God and as Christians rose up to continue the witness of Jesus, we became the objects of their persecution.  Increased efforts are being put forth today to quench the activities of Christians. I believe this present day persecution will continue to increase and during the seals of Revelation it will become worldwide and will not cease until the last lost sheep is found, completing our work, allowing us to be raptured out before the bowls of God’s wrath are poured out upon the earth. Father, there is clearly a spiritual war raging in countries of persecution and we in the west need to be engaged with them through informed prayer and practical means of encouragement. 

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