Friday, August 19, 2016

Do You Belong to the IN or the OF group?

Lesson #251

The last lesson got too long before I had finished. As a result, I would like to spend some more time on verse 19: “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” (John 15:19 ESV). There is a difference between being IN the world and being OF the world. Being of the world means that your lifestyle is like those who claim the world as their residence. Being in the world means that your residence is found outside the world and you are here as on assignment.

In 1 Peter 2:11, Peter refers to us as “sojourners and exiles” (ESV), as “foreigners and exiles” (NIV), or “aliens and strangers” (NASB). Like a foreigner visiting America, we would recognize them by their looks, by their speech, maybe by how they eat and what they eat, and maybe by a somewhat different behavior. In a similar manner, we as Christians should stand out as different and should reflect characteristics of our heavenly family. As people observe us we should remind them of Jesus by how we live and relate to people. They should also notice that we invest our time and energy differently than they do.

If we are of the world as Christians, it means we have accepted some world values and are beginning to look and act like those of the world, resulting in a greater involvement with sin. We would tend to gravitate toward being slaves of sin and not slaves of righteousness. As new creatures in Christ, we should understand our assignment and in loving obedience we should be doing our best to help build the kingdom of God. Living like God is our Father and representing Jesus in how we live, we will remind those of the world or Jesus and very possibly be hated by them. Here in America we have put a premium on not offending others and as a result we pick and choose verses to preach and teach from to keep people comfortable and in the process we have watered down the gospel and removed its power in changing the lives of people. As a result, the western church has become so much of a cultural church, that if we were to preach and teach the whole gospel and not leave out those verses that make us uncomfortable, we would probably be hated by many within the church not to mention those of the world.


Father, I don’t think it is right to select 2 Timothy 3:12: “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (ESV) and say that persecution is a measure of a godly life. If one lives in a peaceful Christian area of the world, persecution will probably be very minimal. If one lives in a part of the world dominated by another religion who see Christianity as a threat, then persecution will be a common experience for the one living a godly life. Father, have mercy on us and encourage us to live godly lives and be willing to suffer if called upon to do so. 

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