Friday, September 2, 2016

They Do Not Understand

Lesson #257

In the last lesson, Jesus reminds the disciples again about persecution they will experience. He is concerned about them “falling away” after he leaves and they begin to transfer their hate for him over to them. He wants them to be prepared to be mistreated by those who think they are doing God a service by even killing them. This warning is for us also, because there is a growing belief that Christians stand against what they think is best for the world. They believe we are a hindrance to social advancements and thus our influence needs to be reduced. The question is, “Why do they think they are doing God’s will and persecute us who identify with Jesus?”

“And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me” (John 16:3 ESV). These things include putting them out of the synagogues and even taking their lives; they were doing this because they did not know the Father or Jesus. These Jews boast of their knowledge of God, but they demonstrate by their words and their actions that they do not know God as the Father and sender of Jesus Christ and he as the true Messiah. Since they did not know the Father or Jesus Christ, it is no wonder that they would mistreat the disciples of Jesus. Their zeal was not according to knowledge, it was a blind and misguided one based on their own misconceptions. We see this zeal exhibited today by radical Islamic terrorist who believe they know the truth and are willing to do all that is in their power to eliminate those who disagree with them. Neither they or the Jews are out of the reach of mercy, because they are acting ignorantly in unbelief. This is why it is so important for us to turn justice over to God, freeing us to love and forgive those who mistreat us. This unnatural witness of love and forgiveness has softened the stone hard hearts of terrorist, drawing them to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Jesus continues by saying: “But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you” (John 16:4a ESV). Jesus knows what his disciples will experience and he warns them of what to expect and when the hour comes when wicked men rise against them they will not be surprised and fall away from following him. This persecution is common in many countries and may soon be experienced to some degree here in the west. We need to heed this warning that we may soon face persecution and be prepared by understanding how to stand our ground with Jesus. We have much to learn from our brothers and sisters who suffer under persecution. We must wake up and be prepared, even if some of us older ones don’t live long enough to see it. At 80 years of age, I may not live long enough to experience such persecution, but I have a responsibility, as long as I have my health, to learn from the Scriptures and from those who are suffering and pass on what I learn to my readers so they will understand and take steps to be prepared.


Father, such joy and excitement fills my heart as I study the word and prepare these lessons. It is also with great joy and anticipation as I post these lessons and watch the growing number of readers from a growing number of countries. Father, this is not about counts, but about more people being fed from the word. My constant prayer for my readers is that their lives would benefit from the word and that it would not return void, but would accomplish in their hearts and lives what you intend. Father, bless my readers, protect them, encourage and strengthen them when needed, and fill their hearts with your love. As my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I love them and pray for them. 

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