Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Figures of Speech

Lesson #268

With this lesson we begin the last major section of chapter 16 and in the ESV translation it is titled “I Have Overcome the World”. We will pick up our study at John 16:25 (ESV): “I have said these things to you in figures of speech. The hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures of speech but will tell you plainly about the Father.” Let us begin with what “these things” might refer to. Think back to the point where Jesus talked about his Father’s house and that Jesus was going there to add more rooms for the disciples and also for us when we believe. This is the Jewish tradition; when the son goes to bring his bride home, he first must provide space at the father’s house for them. This is what Jesus is going to do. Jesus also talked about the way to the Father and thus to their rooms, but the disciples didn’t understand yet that Jesus was the way and that he had to die on the cross for our sins first to purchase our salvation. This was further illustrated by the vine and branch illustration, from which we learn that we are to abide in Jesus just as the branch abides in the vine in order to bear fruit. He also explained to them that they could not come with him at this time and that his departure would produce sorrow within them, but would soon be replaced with joy. Jesus illustrated this with an example of a mother giving birth to a child. All of these examples seem easy to understand, but the spiritual implications seem to be hidden from them, just as it is hidden today from those who do not believe. Saying “these things” with these kind of examples are the “figures of speech” expressed in our verse.

Jesus continues by saying: “The hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures of speech but will tell you plainly about the Father.” That hour may point to two different times: the first occurring after his resurrection when he meets with them and the second at the time of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit comes to give understanding to them. What the disciples are going through is the same process an unbeliever goes through in becoming a believer. At first nothing makes any sense, but gradually as the Spirit works in them they gain understanding and then one day, at their spiritual birth, the Holy Spirit comes to indwell them and they come to life spiritually and they see. This is not unlike a child being born from the darkness of the mother’s womb into the light of the world. Spiritually, we go from spiritual darkness into light as God comes to dwell within us.

Jesus continues to tell his disciples: “In that day you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I will ask the Father on your behalf; for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God” (John 16:26 – 27 ESV). We will need to reserve an entire lesson for these two verses and possibly verse 28, so we will end here and continue next time.


Father, I believe this lesson gives us some understanding as to why the disciples were so slow to understand and why today many unbelievers require years to come to salvation. Just as an unbeliever will not understand spiritual things today, neither did the disciples as unbelievers understand then. It is clear that belief and thus understanding requires spiritual life. Father, thank you for causing us to be born again so that we can know you, love you, serve you and worship you forever. 

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