Friday, September 16, 2016

The Spirit Declares to Us

Lesson #264
In the last lesson we finally finished up verse 13, leaving verses 14 and 15 to cover to finish this section of chapter 16. Jesus continues by telling his disciples: “He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you” (John 16:14 ESV). Jesus came to reveal God to us in a personal way and to die on the cross for our sin, purchasing our salvation. When the Holy Spirit comes he will, under the direction of Jesus Christ, establish the kingdom of Christ and populate it with believers. Jesus is the head of the body, the Church, but the Holy Spirit is the connection between him and us and together the body of Christ is formed. In this way Jesus is glorified.

What belongs to Jesus that is to be declared to us? In his online commentary, Calvin gives some examples: “That we may be washed by the blood of Christ, that sin may be blotted out in us by his death, that our old man may be crucified, (Romans 6:6,) that his resurrection may be efficacious in forming us again to newness of life, (Romans 6:4;) and, in short, that we may become partakers of his benefits. Nothing, therefore, is bestowed on us by the Spirit apart from Christ, but he takes it from Christ, that he may communicate it to us” ( It is the job of the Spirit to display those treasures that are hidden in Christ and enrich our lives with them.

Jesus continues by saying: “All that the Father has is mine; therefore, I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you” (John 16:15 ESV). If Jesus had not been equal with the Father, he could not have said “All that the Father has in mine” without blasphemy. All that he has received from the Father he communicates to us by the Spirit. Jesus is our connection to the Father and all that he has, but the majority of people deceive themselves that this is so and they pass by Christ and determine their own way to God, but that way ends in death because Jesus is the source of eternal life.


Father, I feel the need to pray for my brothers and sisters that read these lessons and for those who face persecution for their faith that most Christians in America don’t understand. I pray for those who come to read that they may find what they are looking for and that it will help them in their walk with the Lord. I pray for any needs they might have at this time. For those facing persecution, I pray for their encouragement and for endurance, that they not yield but stand firm in their faith with Jesus. I pray that they are able to leave the need for justice in the hands of God allowing them to love and forgive their persecutors. 

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