Monday, September 5, 2016

We Need to Wake Up

Lesson #258

In the last lesson we learned that those who persecute us do so because they do not know the Father nor Jesus Christ, because if they did they would have a whole different view of life. Jesus now brings to an end his discussion about coming persecution with the following comment: “I did not say these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you” (John 16:4b ESV). When bringing up children there are things we don’t share with them until they are ready or its time to do so. The same was true with the disciples. At first they needed to learn about who Jesus was and his purpose for coming and then as he got closer to the cross, it was time to begin to share the suffering he was to endure and once that began to take hold, it was time to inform them that they would also suffer. This kind of teaching should be taught to Christians in America so that we would know how to pray for and help our brothers and sisters who are suffering from persecution in various parts of the world. We need to learn from them and how various Scripture verses apply under persecution and how to live them out. I believe the pre-tribulation rapture position tends to discourage this need to prepare for persecution here in the west. If those who proclaim this position are wrong, it will be with great shame that they will have to stand before their congregations and ask for forgiveness for not preparing them for the suffering that our brothers and sisters are already experiencing. Look at the seals and compare what you read with what is happening in parts of the world already. The only difference is that the seals declare the persecution to be worldwide, which would include the western Christian. Jesus foretold his suffering and the suffering for those who follow him. That may soon include us here in the west.

Time is drawing close to Jesus leaving the disciples. He says: “But now I am going to him who sent me, and none of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’ (John 16:5 ESV). These words seem to belong with John 16:4, and gives the reason why he shared those things with them; the reason is, he is going to leave them and return to his Father who sent him. With Jesus gone, the disciples would be responsible for the work Jesus started and would thus become the targets of persecution.

In John 13:36 (ESV) “Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus answered him, “Where I am going you cannot follow me now, but you will follow afterward.”” At that time Peter had no idea that Jesus meant he was going to leave this world and return to his Father in heaven. He thought Jesus meant he was going to a different country. In John 14:2 (ESV) Jesus said, “In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?”, but they didn’t seem to understand that either. I am sure they will not understand this until after the ascension.


Father, it is clear, from the growing intensity of spiritual warfare, that the end is drawing near. Frontlines are intensifying in many countries, with many being wounded and many causalities among those who stand firm in the face of persecution in defense of their faith in Jesus. To be effective, frontlines require strong supply lines and that is where the resources of the west should be used, but on the most part we have ignored the frontline need and spent the resources on ourselves. We go about life ignoring those who are dying for their faith, leaving behind loved ones who need our help. We don’t know what they are experiencing so we don’t know how to pray or help. Father, in fact, I don’t think very many care. When persecution comes to us there won’t be anyone around to help us. Father, we really need to wake up before it is too late. 

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