Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Teaching of Jesus

Lesson #124

With this lesson we will begin the next section of chapter 7 defined by John 7:14 – 24. In the last lesson we left the Jewish leaders wondering where Jesus was, the people muttering among themselves over who they thought Jesus was, and Jesus located someplace at the feast. “About the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and began teaching” (John 7:14 ESV). Jesus held back until just the right time and then he entered the temple and as the great High Priest he was he began teaching those assembled there.

As Jesus taught those present, “The Jews therefore marveled, saying, “How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?”” (John 7:15 ESV). As Jesus spoke with such learning the Jews were held in wonder and astonishment because he had not studied as they had. Speaking with such authority and understanding Jesus distinguished himself by his knowledge of the Scriptures and how he applied them. This great knowledge and understanding exceeded that of the Jews resulting in them despising, hating, and rejecting Jesus and as a result they were despising the grace of God.

 “So Jesus answered them, “My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.”” (John 7:16 ESV). The very fact that Jesus taught with such authority as an untrained teacher made it very clear that his source of understanding was not from the school of men but from a much different source. His teaching was from a much higher level, higher than what the Jews were teaching. In fact, Jesus claimed that what he taught was not his but was from his Father who sent him. Jesus made it very clear that his teaching was not from men but was from God. By referring to God as the author he is impressing on those listening that they should understand what he is saying and obey it.

“If anyone's will is to do God's will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority” (John 7:17 ESV). If a person has determined to do God’s will and submit to him in reverence, Jesus is saying that person will know whether the teaching is from God or from men. Obedience to God provides us with understanding and thus protection against the teachings of men. The Jews could not accept who Jesus claimed to be. They could not get beyond Jesus being Mary’s illegitimate child so they could not possibly accept his claim that his teaching was from his Father in heaven. They believed his teaching was on his own authority and his claim blasphemous and so their hate for him grew.

We will continue this discussion with verse 18 in our next lesson.


Father, how important it is to live in obedience to your will. This was made so clear to the nation of Israel for if they obeyed they were promised protection and prosperity, but if they disobeyed they would be destroyed. Father, I see this happening to the US. As we disobey you we turn and listen to the instruction of men and fall deeper and deeper into sin and its wages of death. I fear we have lost our discernment and thus your protection. 

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