Friday, October 16, 2015

A Personal Note

Lesson #119

Before we begin John chapter 7, I would like to enter a personal note of two things that have stood out as I worked on writing these Bible studies. First, after finishing each entry I feel like I have just gotten up from a special meal. I feel nourished spiritually and I have noticed that these lessons are changing my life. If no one ever reads what I write I would not stop writing because of the benefit to my life. This benefit is causing me to evaluate how I use my time and determine if what I am doing is of benefit to my life. If it is not then should I be doing it? Second, a vision has formed in my mind of the earth being a great orphanage filled with children of the devil, condemned to an eternity of suffering under the wrath of God, but the Father had plans from the beginning to select a group of these lost souls. Like those of us who go to an orphanage to select a child, the Father selects and adopts them as children into his family. These children make up the bride for Jesus Christ. Knowing that the Father chose me fills my heart with such great love for him and a desire to be obedient to his will. It was not a choice I made, but was his draw on my life that brought me to salvation in Jesus Christ. It was the Father that caused me to be born again.

As a reader I pray that these lessons have been a benefit to you.


Father, I pray that these lessons are a benefit, not only to me, but to those are drawn to read them. I pray that in some small way lives are being changed for an eternity through them.

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