Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Who Do You Believe Jesus Is?

Lesson #121

We continue in the section defined by John 7:1 – 9 with a piece of information about the Feast of Booths mentioned in verse 2, but will make no comment about it other that it simply describes an event taking place. A link to its definition is included. We will continue on at verse 3.

“So his brothers said to him, “Leave here and go to Judea that your disciples also may see the works you are doing. For no one works in secret if he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.”” (John 7:3 – 4 ESV). There is a sense of ridicule here for staying in Galilee when Jesus could follow the crowds to Jerusalem for celebration and increase his popularity through, maybe, more miracles. His brothers wanted him to further prove himself and become a celebrity before the people. If Jesus was who he claimed to be his brothers could not understand why he wanted to conceal himself there in Galilee.

Rome was oppressing the Jews making life difficult and Jesus was spending time with relatively few people. If he could perform miracles before larger crowds in Jerusalem then his brothers believed he could accomplish more for people. Jesus knew what the people needed and that was to be accomplished by the works of God not the works of man. It is not what man can accomplish that is important, but what God can accomplish in the spiritual realm for eternity. His brothers see Jesus as simply a gifted man and they want him to leverage that gift for their benefit. They don’t yet really believe and don’t understand that he is really the Son of God who was sent to free them, not from the bondage of Rome, but from the bondage of sin.

“For not even his brothers believed in him” (John 7:5 ESV). The humanity of Jesus was so real and his deity so hidden that people who lived with him for nearly 30 years did not know who he really was. Think about it; these brothers lived and ate and slept with him all those years and they didn’t know they were living with the Son of God. It was out of this unbelief that they wanted him to get out and prove himself by becoming the Messiah he claimed to be; a Messiah they did not really understand.


Father, continue to clarify my focus on spiritual things and protect me from being drawn off course by the powers of darkness. I pray that my life would more clearly reflect my heavenly citizenship and not that of the world. Help me seek glory for the Lord and not for me by how I live out each day.

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