Friday, October 21, 2016

Praying for Them

Lesson #278

In our last two lessons, Jesus was praying for a special group of people that were chosen out of the world by the Father and given as a gift to Jesus. In this lesson, Jesus continues to pray for these believers: “I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours” (John 17:9 ESV). This verse clearly describes two groups of people: those chosen by the Father and adopted as his children from the world and those he passed over and left for eternal judgment because of their sin.

Jesus suffered and died to purchase salvation for this group of people and he did it for the joy that would be his as he spends an eternity with them. From eternity past Jesus knew the names of those who would make up this group. These he loves and will protect and provide everlasting care. It is these he prays for because they are family. Such love on the part of God that he would sacrifice his Son to purchase this select group of people. Such a demonstration of his love, mercy and grace.

The other group he does not pray for because they are not part of the family of God and never will be. They are children of the devil and live under the eternal wrath of God. This is a very harsh view, that we don’t hear preached about today, but it is reality.

“I am praying for them.” Jesus sets an example for us to also pray for those who make up this group. We don’t know what Jesus prayed for this group. All we know is that he knows them as a shepherd knows his sheep and the sheep know who their shepherd is. We also know that he died to secure their salvation and his right and authority over this group. Will he continue to pray for them after he ascends to heaven? Will we pray when we reach heaven? I believe the answer to both questions is no, because faith is then replaced with sight. Now Jesus is working with us gathering the loss sheep together into one flock; the Church; the body of Christ. In heaven we can talk directly to God as we see in Revelation 6:10 (ESV): “They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”

“for they are yours.” First this group was chosen out of the world by the Father and adopted as his children. They are his and will always be his children, but children grow up and the Father given them to Jesus as he would give a bride to his Son. Jesus uniquely meets all that is needed to be the rightful groom for this bride. How wonderful all of this is!


Father, what joy it brings me to study your word and as I do the living hope I have continues to grow to where the things of this world have less and less interest for me. I long to grow in my relationship with Jesus in writing these studies and to pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in touching lives of people in various cultures around the world as they read these. At one time I never imagined I would teach Bible in China and I never imagined I would one day write Bible studies to be read in a multitude of countries. Father, I pray that you will find me faithful in Christ to bless me, to bear much fruit, through this outreach. 

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