Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Peace or Tribulation

Lesson #271

The disciples are making progress in understanding what Jesus has been teaching them, but there is trouble coming! “Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me” (John 16:32 ESV). A time of great testing is only a day away when Jesus will be seized, condemned and crucified as a malefactor. When this happens the faith of the disciples will be so shaken that they will run away from him to their own homes. When they see Jesus die they probably supposed that his work was defeated. It is probable that the two disciples going to Emmaus were on their way to their homes. We will cover this when we get to John 21:1 – 14.

The disciples will heave Jesus alone, but Jesus tells them he will not be alone because his Father will be with him. His Father was his friend and in the prospect of his sufferings he could still look to him for support. Even in his dying moments when he suffered so much when our sin was placed upon him and his Father had to turn away from him, he still addresses him as his God when he cries out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). When his time of death finally came, he was still able to call out with a loud voice, saying, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” (Luke 23:46 ESV). Through all of these sufferings he had the assurance that God was his friend and that he was doing his will. If our identity is clearly in Jesus Christ, then it matters little who else forsakes us. If God is with us during the time of pain and even death and if we have the consciousness of his presence and his favor, then we may fear no evil for his rod and his staff, they will comfort us. Without the assurance of his presence, suffering and death would be full of horrors. This posture is clearly seen as we witness our brothers and sisters going through the torture of persecution. The Christian can die saying, I am not alone, because the Father is with me. The sinner dies without a friend that can alleviate his sufferings.

We chose chapter 16 with Jesus telling his disciples: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 ESV). Jesus is giving them this warning as another proof that he knows all things and in the end they may look to him alone for peace and happiness. In Jesus Christ we have peace and joy, but in the world you will experience tribulation in some form, depending where in the world you live. When Jesus is nailed to the cross and dies the disciples are told not to give up in despair because Jesus has the power to overcome. When he rises from the dead, the powers of darkness have been put on notice of their coming judgment, but we have the victory and our salvation is secure.


Father, when our time of tribulation comes, what will we do? Will we deny our faith to save our self or will we stand with endurance and steadfastness with the Lord? Father, help us make the correct choice now and be prepared if our time comes. Help us count the cost now and prepare us to give everything if called on to do so. Jesus gave his life for our salvation; the least we can do is be willing to give ours in return. 

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