Monday, October 24, 2016

What is this Joint Ownership?

Lesson #279

It is by now clear that the human population is divided into two groups: a small select group chosen by the Father and the rest that are left spiritually dead in their sin to spend an eternity under the wrath of God. While on earth Jesus had been praying for this chosen group that the Father gives as a gift to Jesus. The next verse, we are to cover, is an emphasis that this group has joint ownership. John 17:10 (ESV) reads: “All mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them.” They first belong to the Father because he chose them out of the world and legally adopted them as his children. These children make up God’s family. We who make up this group, have been born again as spiritual children and should mature into young men [and women] and then into mature fathers [and mothers] (1 John 2:12 – 14). While on earth we have the responsibility to move along this path of maturity (Philippians 2:12 – 13) doing the work assigned to us to do (Ephesians 2:10). This group is given to Jesus and thus becomes his as a father chooses a bride to give to his son. This group, the bride, thus belongs to Jesus and he has authority over her.

In this group, this bride, this body of Christ, Jesus is glorified; how? He is glorified by our believing in him; by our walking worthy of him in our lives and our conversations; by our suffering patiently and cheerfully when called upon to do so; by attributing to him our eternal spiritual nature; and by our worship of, our praise to and our love for him for all eternity. I am overwhelmed by this picture of family, our relationships and our joint activities. Our Father is raising us, his adopted children, through his loving discipline. Jesus purchased our salvation and gives the gift of eternal life to us as the Father gives us as a gift to Jesus. As our growth takes place we are working with the Lord Jesus is building his kingdom. If I am proven faithful in the small things now, then in heaven activities will continue with the Father and his Son in an ever increasing manner. This joint effort of writing these Bible studies with Jesus and the Spirit to the glory of the Father, I believe, is just the beginning of a wonderful eternity of activity. I long to learn more now as an apprentice to be ready for skillful work when we meet face to face (2 Timothy 2:15).

This is enough for this study as the next verse is long and has many parts to it. It is a good verse to start a new lesson on.


Father, I am still here on earth and as part of this chosen group, I must pray for others. Father, I pray for those lost sheep yet to be found. I know that many of them will be exposed to persecution, some even facing death shortly after conversion. Father, I pray for those facing persecution that they will be encouraged, that they will be strengthened and have endurance to continue on in their suffering, that they would stand steadfast and not forsake the Lord or their faith, that your love will fill their hearts providing them the ability to forgive, and that you would place your hand of blessing and grace upon them. Father, I pray for those not facing persecution that they would resist the call of comfort, convenience, safety, and security and be willing to take some risk in their walk with the Lord. Father, protect each one of us from the powers of darkness and from deception and please have mercy on us because of our sin. 

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