Monday, October 31, 2016

Why Are We Not Persecuted?

Lesson #282

Jesus continues his prayer and brings up something that might make a western Christian uncomfortable. Jesus prays: “I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world” (John 17:14 ESV). As I read this verse I happened to look ahead to verse 20 where we read: “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word” and realized that I may have violated the context some in previous lessons by including us at that time. Jesus was specifically praying for the disciples, most of the time, but then in verse 20 he draws us into his prayer. Knowing this I want to include both the disciples and us in the application of verse 14.

While with the disciples, Jesus gave them the word he heard from his Father. We receive this word from the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit. It is this word we are to know and live by and if we do it should affect our lives; it should set us apart from the world with a different lifestyle. Jesus relates living out the word with being hated by the world. Paul tells Timothy: “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12 ESV). He doesn’t say may be persecuted, but will be. This begs the question, “Why are we not persecuted here in the US?” I might suggest two reasons: environment and compromise.

Another verse we should look at is found at Matthew 5:10 (ESV): Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Those being persecuted for righteousness’ sake are promised a blessing. It says nothing about righteous living producing persecution. How might persecution be affected by environment? Living as a Christian in Iran compared to living here in the west will yield different results due to difference in environment. Here Christianity is the major religion not a minor one as in Iran. Clearly this would affect the level of persecution.

What about compromise? How faithful are we in living according to the Scriptures? Have we not defiled ourselves with our relationship with the world? How close does our lifestyle match that of Jesus or our Father in heaven? How closely do we represent the image of a child of God according to the Scriptures? I am not so sure we are as righteous as we might think. Being politically correct is just one way we protect ourselves. Another way we avoid persecution (I am sure you are tired of me saying this again) is by embracing the idols of comfort, convenience, safety, and security. If we were not encumbered by these, the Christian community would look much different than it does now. 


Father, as I worked on this lesson I thought about my brothers and sisters living under persecution who can lose their lives by just owning a Bible. Father, I wonder how many of us would keep a Bible and what would be our relationship to it if it might cost us our lives. I believe if we someday wake up to that reality, it will probably have an adverse effect on our walk with the Lord and how we view the Scriptures. Father, I wonder if we are drawing closer to war with Russia that might make this suffering a reality. 

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