Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thirteen Titles for Jesus

Lesson #22

As we worked our way through the first chapter of the Gospel of John, we were introduced to at least thirteen titles or names for Jesus. Titles are important because they tell you something about that person. As Jesus identified with those titles, people would have feelings about it. Those that God gave understanding to through faith were attracted to him, but others, for various reasons, became upset to the point of having him nailed to a cross.

In the chart below the thirteen titles are listed along with the verse number and the text they were found in.


Father, as I look at these titles I think about what they have come to mean to me over many years as a child of yours. Lord, you are a personal living God that I have a relationship with. As creator of all things, you are my source of life, light of understanding, grace and truth. As the Father has chosen you to be my Savior, he has chosen me to be your witness. I come before you in humility and meekness, awed by your mighty eternal presence. To think that you have made me a member of your eternal kingdom of light and love leaves me without proper words to speak in appreciation.

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