Saturday, March 7, 2015

Grace Upon Grace

Lesson #12

It is clear that Jesus is a unique central figure in history. He has no beginning and has always existed with God as God. In him was life and from that life comes light that illuminates our understanding. He is the Word that has come as a true image of God to show us what the Father is like. Out of obedience to his Father, Jesus came as God to live a perfect life and die for our sin in our place.

Consider John 1:16 – 18 which reads, “16 For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known” (ESC).

Jesus stands as a lighthouse, illuminated with his glory that all true faith is focused on. Before him God chose Moses and through him the law was given. This law described how people where to live to maintain a relationship with God. It provided knowledge of sin and a method of sacrificing animals to cover that sin. The law pointed toward a perfect sacrifice that would be sufficient to cover sin without being repeated. That perfect sacrifice was to be their Messiah, the person of Jesus. During the time of the law the grace of God was making preparations for the needed sacrifice.

The stage was set and Jesus with all the fullness of God entered flesh through a woman. He was to be the perfect sacrifice that people seeking God would come to for salvation. His death paid the penalty of our sin, his resurrection overcame the power of death, and for those who came to him he provided life and the light of understanding. Jesus stood as the pivot point in history to which people now look back to by faith for their salvation. It is this Jesus who was at the Father’s side who has made him known to us. It is through Jesus Christ that grace and truth came to us. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6 ESV).

Jesus is the source of all we need to live in perfect union with God for eternity. He is the source of all we need to overcome death and darkness of sin during our earthly life. As the source of life and his indwelling presence his grace is more than sufficient for all our needs. He is the one who has made know the Father to us and provided all we need to be able one day to behold his glory.


Lord, from your fullness by grace through faith I am made complete. You are the only source of life and in union with you through spiritual birth my life is not barren but bears fruit to your honor and glory. The fruit on the tree in the garden was eaten and your light in us went out as promised, but through great sacrifice the kindness of your grace provided a way for us to bear fruit. Thank you for turning the light on inside me. Help me find others now in darkness. Empower these lessons to that end.

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