Tuesday, March 3, 2015

John the Witness

Lesson #8

It is time for me to write another lesson. As I sit here looking at John 1, I realize slow progress but I also saw something that I had not taken time to think about before. I was listening to a sermon one night by John Piper and remembered some comments he made about how chapter 1 was structured. As I now look at chapter 1, I notice that verses 1 – 5 are about Jesus being the Word, God, creator, life and light. If you jump down a bit you will find that verses 9 – 13 discuss the entry of this light into the world that was created by the Word and find those in the world did not receiving him. Then verse 14 reaches back to the Word in verse 1 as the left bookend and here defines Jesus as the right bookend. Verse 16 – 18 then indicates that grace and truth also come from Jesus.

Inserted within those 18 verses are two interruptions. Inserted in the section on light (verses 4 – 9) is the introduction of a person named John. We learn that he was a man sent from God as a witness about this light that is coming into the world. The idea is introduced that this light will provide an avenue of belief for those who come to its source. It is also made clear that John is not the one with the light, but simply a witness about the light.

The next interruption is so abrupt that verse 15 is place within parenthesis in the ESV translation. After being told that the Word became flesh in verse 14, John cries out that he is not the one, but that he who is coming is much greater than he.

By inserting these two interruptions, the apostle John indicates the importance of our witness to the world concerning the person of Jesus Christ. As God sent Jesus to provide the way of salvation, he also sends us as witnesses of this gospel of salvation to the lost world.


Father, you have made it clear to us the importance of our witness. The joy that has been mine over the years in sharing my faith in different parts of the world, especially in China has been such a blessing. I pray that what I write in the social media would be of help and encouragement to those who stop and read. It is such a joy to study your word, apply it to my life and share my findings with others.

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