Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Lamb of God

Lesson #15

In this lesson we will look more closely at John 1:29 – 31, which reads, 29 “The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is he of whom I said, ‘After me comes a man who ranks before me, because he was before me.’ 31 I myself did not know him, but for this purpose I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel.”” (ESV).

If we identify day one as the day Jews sent priests and Levites to ask John some questions then this lesson takes place on day two. On this “next day” John sees Jesus coming toward him, and he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” As God prepared the way for our salvation he used the lamb as a symbol of a coming sacrifice that would be sufficient to cover our sin. Other animals were also sacrificed to cover sin, but the lamb became the symbol of what God was going to provide. This illustration was enhanced when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as proof of his love for God. Abraham took Isaac and went to the place God had directed, placed him on the altar and was about to kill him when God stopped him and provided a ram as a substitute (Genesis 22). When John sees Jesus as the Lamb of God, he sees God’s substitute for us who will die for our sin.

Elizabeth, the wife of a certain priest named Zacharias, became pregnant in her old age with John the Baptist. Elizabeth was six months pregnant at the conception of Jesus. Both John and Jesus were miracle babies because Elizabeth was beyond child bearing and Jesus was virgin born. Physically, Jesus was born after John, but John said that he ranks [existed] before him. Connect this with John’s statement of not being worthy of undoing the straps on the sandals of Jesus clearly identifies him with the Word who was God.

Since Mary and Elizabeth knew each other I am sure Jesus and John must have. For John to say that he did not know or recognize him suggest that John didn’t know Jesus was the Lamb of God as a boy any more than John knew he would be preaching and baptizing people later in life. God chose John and prepared him for his assignment as the son of a priest. At a particular time God made him aware of his assignment like God made Paul aware of his assignment. God made it clear to me that I was to serve him over an eight year period in China. God has a way of motivating the people he chooses to do the work he assigns to them. Many of us would experience much less suffering if we understood that and cooperated with him.

God chose John to be a witness, to stimulate interest, to get people thinking about something big that was about to happen. As people heard and began to understand they testified of their commitment through water baptism. God wanted all of this activity to draw the attention of people for the entrance of Jesus, the Lamb of God.


Father, what joy it gives me to study deeply your word and see how wonderfully it unveils the mystery of knowing you and showing me that I am unable to live a life of meaning and purpose without your provision. Lord, the world displays its glamor and with persuasion entices us to join its party. But within the pages of your word, the Book of Life, are hidden treasures that are hungered for by the one seeking righteousness. There in its pages I learn that all my needs can be met in the One called the Word. Only in Jesus Christ is my life complete. Saying thank you doesn’t seem sufficient for your wonderful provision.

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