Friday, March 20, 2015

A Transition

Lesson #18

Our lesson today will cover the text from John 1:35 - 39The event we will look at takes place on the “next day”, the day after Jesus was baptized by John, which would be the third day in our sequence of days.  We find “John was standing with two of his disciples” (v35) and as he looked he saw Jesus walk by and he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” (v36). This declaration is not new material, but a repeat of 1:29, and is probably made to draw the focus of John’s two disciples to Jesus.

With the attention of John’s two disciples on Jesus and his identity as the “Lamb of God” in their minds, notice what happens in v37. “The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus.” Why do you think they followed Jesus? Do you suppose God prompted them to follow for some reason? Jesus now becomes involved by turning around and seeing them following and he said to them, “What are you seeking?” By asking this question, Jesus is encouraging their level of commitment in following him. He wants to draw them in closer. Their response was, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?” (v38). The disciples are seeking to establish a place where they could find him in the future. I believe they are interested in spending more time with Jesus to maybe learn more about him. Jesus responds to their question by inviting them to come with him and see where he was staying. “So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour” (v39).

Don’t miss the importance of this simple passage. John has been gradually introducing a special type of person who has a very unusual connection to God. At a particular point in this growth of understanding, John declares, “This is the Lamb of God.” and encourages his disciples to want more. A connection is established with Jesus and growth in a relationship continues. This is effective witness. In a careful manner information about Jesus in presented, leading in growth of relationship. Sometime in the future that growth will reach the point where it is time for spiritual birth. It is a natural process of relationship growth. It is not a debate to convince the mind. Without the heart being prepared by God a mind yielding to pressure does not result in a spiritual birth as many in the western church may think.


Father, I find it is so easy to read over verses like these and simply see a story unfolding, but when I stop and ask you what is being said here I find a message that speaks to my heart. Father, I see here the beginning of the idea that salvation is connected to a relationship with Jesus not in obedience to an external law. Lord, it is essential that I understand the richness and the depth of life that is being developed by you in this chapter. Father, how thankful I am that you chose to draw me to you through Jesus and then to give me this understanding.

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