Saturday, March 21, 2015

We Have Found the Messiah

Lesson #19

Our lesson today will cover the text from John 1:40 - 42 and takes place on the same day as our last lesson. One of the two disciples that heard John declare of Jesus, “The Lamb of God” and left to follow him was Andrew. At this point we don’t know the name of the second disciple. We also don’t know what happened when the two disciples began their conversation with Jesus. I think Andrew suspected something unique about Jesus and wanted his brother Simon to be with him. Simon may have been close by and he went to get him. When he found Simon he said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (v41). Simon then accompanied Andrew and they went to join Jesus and the other disciple of John.

There are three interesting things we should look at here. First, Andrew is the first person to be mentioned in our study so far to proselytize another regarding Jesus. This is the beginning of a movement in which those identifying with Jesus go and tell others about him and bring them to him. It is a movement that Jesus will develop during his stay on earth and it is a movement that continues today that you and I should be active in.

The second interesting thing is what was the understanding of Andrew when he told Simon, “We have found the Messiah.”? As we look ahead over the next three years it becomes clear that the disciples of Jesus did not understand this until after they met Jesus after his resurrection. Think about when you first became believers and was born again. If we continue to grow in our relationship as we walk with Jesus and if we spend time in the Word on a regular basis then our understanding of the Lord will be much more mature at the end of our lives. We found Jesus, maybe many years ago, but now we know so much more about him. Andrew was then just discovering something that was unique to him and he wanted to share this.

The third interesting thing comes from verse 42. “Andrew brought Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, ‘You are Simon, the son of John. You will be called Cephas’ (which is translated Peter)” (NET). Jesus looks at Simon and knew the assignment that had been designed for him. It is an assignment that God, in his sovereignty, had prepared a long time ago when he chose Simon for a particular task. In like manner, I believe God has chosen each one of us and given to us an assignment to accomplish with him during our lifetime. How clear is your focus on that assignment? What is your experience in your partnership with Jesus Christ in doing this assignment?


Father, I have been a believer for over 60 years and as I look back across my life I can clearly see your hand at work in it. Lord, forgive me for being so slow to understand this working partnership with you in carrying out my assignment. The more I understand this partnership and surrender my life into your hands the more exciting is the work we are doing together. Before I took pride in my accomplishments, but with you in control, life is so much fuller and so much richer. Thank you for the transformation you are carrying out in my life.

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