Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Wedding at Cana

Lesson #23

Our lesson today will begin our journey through chapter 2, which consist of two main sections and a small one. The first section, John 2:1 - 12covers a wedding at Cana, the second section, verses 13 – 22, covers the cleansing of the temple, and the short section, verses 23 – 25, covers the concern Jesus has about the intent of people toward him. With this brief sketch before us we need to go back to a starting point at John 1:43 where “Jesus wanted to set out for Galilee.” a two day journey. It is now the “third day” and Jesus and his disciples are at the “wedding at Cana in Galilee” along with Jesus’ mother (John 2:1 – 2). The invitation of Jesus, his mother, and the disciples seems to indicate that this wedding was family related.

At the wedding a problem develops involving supply and demand. It seems that the demand for wine exceeded the supply provided by the bridegroom. To run out of wine at a wedding in that culture was a serious problem prompting Mary to inform Jesus (v3). The response Jesus makes to his mother in hearing this causes one to stop and wonder what just happened. The harshness of his response indicates that we should stop and try to understand what is going on besides a typical wedding.

Looking carefully at verses 4 – 11 there are four things that stand out that will be identified with the words obedience, hour, purification, and bridegroom. In verses 3 – 5, Mary provides Jesus with a problem and request a solution. Mary is requesting obedience, but don’t forget Jesus has a heavenly Father who he must also obey. In verse 4 Jesus says, “My hour has not yet come.” What hour was he referring to? In verses 6 – 8, there were six stone water jars which were used for rites of purification. Jesus had these filled with water which he turns to wine for them to drink. How might purification relate to Jesus? In verses 9 – 11, Jesus supplied what the bridegroom was lacking. How does this connect with Jesus being the perfect bridegroom?

A quick reading of our text tells us about a miracle performed at a wedding, but we miss the richness that is ours if we stop and think about the kind of response Jesus made. I believe this harshness was intended to capture our attention. It sure got mine.


Father, I am so thankful for your word. It is living and active in my life. It illuminates the way before me as I travel along the dangerous paths of life. Thank you for the opportunity to think deeply about who Jesus is, the work he came to do, and what he has to offer me. Lord, please guide me as I dig into chapter 2. Open it up to my understanding and help me share it with others.

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