Sunday, March 8, 2015

Padina's Story

I met Padina through video a year ago at a VOM conference I attended. She was watching a Christian program on Satellite TV and decided to call in at the end of the broadcast when phone lines were open. She explained that she was going to hang up and take her life, but instead she accepted a challenge to allow God one week to show his hand to her in a convincing way. The link below to a video tells an exciting story.

We learn that Padina's mother was healed and both accept Christ, but the story didn't end there. Experiencing this new life and power from God they could not refrain from sharing their faith and wining converts. What happened next I learned just recently from a VOM recording of a radio program. The program was an interview with Padina and describes what God can do when someone gets turned on Christ. The link below is to this radio interview.

This is excellent material for anyone who wants better insight into what God is doing in Iran. It is a side of the story you don't hear much about.

As a PS to this use the following link to see what it means to be a Christian in Syria.

I pray that this material will challenge your walk with the Lord.

I would like to include two more links to ministries related to the above.

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