Friday, April 8, 2016

The Popularity of Jesus

Lesson #194

Our text brings the focus back from the disciples lack of understanding to the people who had been with Jesus when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead. “The crowd that had been with him when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to bear witness” (John 12:17 ESV). Conversation about that remarkable event continue to spread among the people. How could it not? If you had been there and saw what had happened and heard Jesus claim that he was the resurrection, with the implication that as a believer he would raise you from the dead to eternal life in heaven, would you not talk about what had happened and what Jesus meant by what he said?

“The reason why the crowd went to meet him was that they heard he had done this sign” (John 12:18 ESV). As the conversation about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and about Jesus being the resurrection and the life spread, a growing number of people wanted to know more and hearing that Jesus was coming they went to meet him. At this point, Jesus is still pretty much a celebrity because people feel important around him or they feel he will benefit them in their desired ways. When they realize that Jesus is not who they now think he is, they will turn against him and being incited by the Jewish leaders they will cry out for his crucifixion.

“So the Pharisees said to one another, “You see that you are gaining nothing. Look, the world has gone after him.”” (John 12:19 ESV). This statement is obviously an overstatement, spoken out of frustration over the growing popularity of Jesus. However, when the time is right their resentment and frustration will erupt and lead a disillusioned crowd to cry out for the crucifixion of Jesus. But opposition against Jesus Christ will not prevail and will accomplish nothing, because God is in control and will accomplish his own purposes in spite of them. There may be times when the opposition may seem to gain ground, for example, the crucifixion, but soon to follow is the resurrection as God accomplishes his purpose. God is sovereign and nothing will thwart his plans.
This is a short lesson and since the next verse starts another section, we will end here.


Father, writing a prayer at the end of these lessons is often a challenge. It forces me to look for something from the lesson I can apply to my life and for my readers.  As I think about this lesson, my heart is impressed that people are viewing Jesus through the wrong lens, the religious leaders see Jesus as a bad infection to be eliminated, the disciples don’t understand what is going on, and Jesus continues to live outside the walls of established tradition. It appears that we have some similar problems today.

P.S. Pray for me as I write these studies and let us pray for one another as we read, that the word of God would not return void, but would accomplish the purpose for which the Lord intends. Pray especially for those readers in several foreign countries, that they would be blessed by what they read. Share with others and check the link at the top of the page for My Faith Notes blog. 

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