Friday, April 1, 2016

The Plot to Kill Lazarus

Lesson #189
We come to a short section, defined by John 12:9 – 11, where we learn about plans the Jews have to kill Lazarus. “When the large crowd of the Jews learned that Jesus was there, they came, not only on account of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead” (John 12:9 ESV). Two reasons are given to explain the large crowd of Jews. First, they learned that Jesus was there and as a result of his ability to raise Lazarus from being dead for several days, he was now even more famous. Second, they came to see Lazarus, who Jesus had raised. They probably wondered if he was any different now than before dying and they probably wondered if he would have anything to say about the experience of being dead and now alive again. But I think there is a third reason why the crowd has gathered; would Jesus do or say something spectacular. I believe that most in the crowd came out of respect, not to seize him or to cause trouble. Jesus claims to be the Christ, the Messiah and where he is people will gather. Jesus also claims to be a king and where a king is there is a court.

If we were to sit back and think of reasons why you might be encouraged to come, you might come up with reasons like, being curious, or maybe you have some question to ask them since they are both there, or maybe it will be a time to strengthen your faith. Maybe you are hoping to learn something about the other side of death. There can be many reasons why you might take the time to go.

“So the chief priests made plans to put Lazarus to death as well, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus” (John 12:10 – 11 ESV). Seeing Jesus and Lazarus together caused many of the Jews to leave believing in Jesus. This did not sit well with Jewish leaders so they made plans to put Lazarus to death to remove the evidence of a miracle. It is hard to believe that in the face of such undeniable facts these religious leaders are unwilling to allow their beliefs to change. They would rather destroy the evidence than change their minds. This is not rational behavior, but that is what sin is capable of producing. Let this be a warning for us to keep short accounts. Always keep before you Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me” (NASB). Simply put, I must get out of the way to allow Jesus Christ to live in and through me. That must be the goal of every believer.

Enough said about this short section. Next time we will begin the next section, which covers the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.


Father, I pray for my readers, that they will take enough time to understand what Jesus is trying to teach; that they would be willing to set aside tradition or incorrect beliefs, when necessary, and out love for God be willing to obey the word that is before them. Father, I pray for any needs my readers might have, that you would provide for those needs is such a way that they would grow spiritually and that their walk with the Lord would be closer. I pray for your blessing upon them for their love and obedience before you. I pray that what I write in these lessons is worth the time to read and will be a benefit to them and help prepare them for eternity. 

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