Friday, January 22, 2016

The Man’s Spiritual Growth

Lesson #161

With this lesson we will start the sixth and last section of chapter 9, defined by John 9:35 – 41. The last lesson ends with the Jews casting the man out of the Synagogue because of his belief about Jesus. This lesson begins with Jesus hearing that the man had been cast out of the Synagogue so he goes to finds him to offer encouragement: “Jesus heard that they had put him out, and finding him, He said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”” (John 9:35 NASB). The man born blind is a good example of our salvation. We are born spiritually blind and unless God gives us spiritual sight, we will remain blind and will reject Jesus and the Gospel just like the Jews are. The blind man receives his sight and begins to travel along the road of spiritual growth. At first the man believed that Jesus had the power to heal and thought that he might be a prophet. His level of belief was according to the amount of light he had. In the discussion with the Jews, the man believes that to do what Jesus did, he must be from God. Then when Jesus finds him, he seeks to determine if he might believe that he is the Son of Man, the Messiah.

“He answered, “And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?”” (John 9:36 ESV). You can see the spiritual growth that is taking place. Remember how Jesus healed the man. He put mud on his eyes and sent him away to wash to gain his sight, but he has yet to see Jesus, so he doesn’t know that this is Jesus speaking to him. That is why he says to Jesus, “And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?” Jesus then identifies himself. “Jesus said to him, “You have seen him, and it is he who is speaking to you.” (John 9:37 ESV).

All of a sudden it all comes together for the man and “He said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him” (John 9:38 ESV). Here is the point of salvation; the point of belief; the time of spiritual birth. As an example, Jesus began with a physical example of restoring the man’s sight and now the man has spiritual sight. Whether we are born with physical sight or not, we are all born spiritually blind and need the gift of spiritual sight. We see that Jesus has the power to provide both.


Father, there is so much evidence before us that the Son of God came as Jesus to reveal to us who he was and make necessary provisions for our rescue. With everything in place, after the death and resurrection of Jesus, justice was met and God could now show mercy and extend grace to those who he grants authority to for salvation. Father, how clear this becomes as one studies carefully the Gospel of John. Oh, God (Father, Son and Spirit) how thankful for all you have done and made possible for me. 

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