Monday, January 4, 2016

Another Personal Note

Lesson #153

We are now at the beginning of another chapter and another new year. So quickly, it seems, that 2015 has come and gone and now 2016 is here and so is John chapter 9, but before we begin our study, I would like to write a personal note.

If my memory serves me correctly, it was December 24, 2014 that a wonderful Chinese friend, who I had met about six years ago, called me from China and asked if I would share my faith with him. I agreed to start writing simple Bible lessons on the fundamentals of Christianity and email them to him. As I thought about those lessons I decided I could write them is such a way that I could also post them in a blog for others to read without sharing any personal conversation I had with my friend. On January 1, 2015 I posted my first blog entry to this blog. I continued to write those daily lessons until February 22, 2015, when I started to write Bible lessons based on the Gospel of John. I identified that first lesson as Lesson #1. With this lesson our count is now at Lesson #153, which gives us an average of 19 lessons per chapter. John contains 21 chapters and at an average of 19 lessons per chapter, that means we still have about 246 lessons to go and at our current pace of three lessons per week only 82 more weeks. That will put us well into 2017 before we finish. I wish to point out that it is not the end we seek, but the adventure God has for us in learning along the way.

I had no idea that my friends request would result in a blog of this nature with readers from other countries. This has been a wonderful adventure for me; one that has been a life changer for me in several ways. One cannot study the Gospel of John day after day and not learn more about God through the person of Jesus Christ. As I watch Jesus live before me, I long to be more and more like him and look forward to soon seeing him face to face. With my next birthday being my 80th, the odds are I will see him before most of you. I will be waiting expectantly for your arrival to learn how these lessons may have helped you with your walk with the Lord.

Having said this, it is time to move on into chapter 9 and see what happens when Jesus heals a man born blind. It is my prayer that you will benefit from these lessons and that you might invite others to join us. I pray that our journey together with Jesus will be a life changing adventure for all of us. 

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