Friday, February 12, 2016

Division and Resistance

Lesson #170

With this lesson we will finish the fourth section of chapter 10, defined by John 10:19 – 21. Jesus comes to the end of his discourse and as expected, “There was again a division among the Jews because of these words” (John 10:19 ESV). These Jews professed that they worship the God of Abraham and obey the Law of Moses, but now when Jesus comes in fulfillment of the law, they begin to struggle with what Jesus is saying. Over the years the Jews have constructed walls around their belief system and have decided what to look for in the coming Messiah. In their minds he was to deliver them from the Romans. Think about the demands of the law concerning sacrifices and how to worship. To replace these sacrifices with the sacrifice of Jesus as the Lamb of God and to accept him as the Messiah, not of a current physical kingdom, but of an eternal kingdom is too radical for them. Jesus is trying to tear down their walls and enlarge their spiritual borders, but those walls provided them security and comfort. With what Jesus is saying about who he is and what they should believe, they are feeling very insecure and troubled. Some understood and believed, but most didn’t, resulting is division, accusations, anger and hate.

“Many of them said, “He has a demon, and is insane; why listen to him?”” (John 10:20 ESV). Standing before them is the Son of God, their Messiah and they say he has a demon and is insane. If only they knew that one day, they would have to stand before him in all of his glory and face God’s judgment against them. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain they will experience when this time comes. How thankful I am that Jesus took all of my pain and suffering that I would have experienced and gave me eternal life in place of eternal judgment.  They said, “Why listen to him?”; because he has the words that will set them free of their sin. When a person doesn’t understand and begins to feel uncomfortable or threatened, the natural response is to condemn the one causing their problem and remove that one from their presence.

“Others said, “These are not the words of one who is oppressed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?”” (John 10:21 ESV). There are those who see the miracles Jesus performs and see the hand of God at word, not the powers of the demonic. They also see the connection between the signs and his words and realize that Jesus is indeed their deliverer and for now they are followers of Jesus. Jesus will say and do things in the future that will cause many of these to also turn away.


Father, I pray that when I encounter challenges to my faith, I will not react negatively against the challenge, but will step back and quiet my soul and seek understanding of the truth. Lord, I pray that you will continue to open the word to me in greater understanding and strengthen my ability to write, that my readers would be touched by the word through the work of the Spirit, resulting in changed lives to your honor and glory. 

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