Monday, May 25, 2015

This Is God’s Plan

Lesson #57

Lesson #56 got us from Jerusalem to the Judean countryside and from conversation with Nicodemus about being born again to who was baptizing more people. This brings us to John 3:27 – 30 and a further discussion of why it is a good thing that John is fading in popularity and that Jesus is now drawing the attention of a growing multitude of people. Of all that Jesus has done that John could write about, why does he come back to John the Baptist? Let us look at the verses and see.

In verse 27, John answers the person who was concerned that Jesus was baptizing more than John was with the response, “A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven” (ESV). How does this answer relate to the people going to Jesus to be baptized? On the surface it appears that Jesus has more to offer than John. For example, changing water into wine, but there is more in the answer John gives than that. The implication is that the Father gives those of his choosing to Jesus and those he gives will come to Jesus and he will give to them eternal life. You and I “cannot receive even one thing unless it is given [to us] from heaven.” We will see this later when we study John 6:37: “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out” (NASB). These people are turning away from John and going to Jesus as an illustration that God is doing this and giving them to Jesus, his Son. Coming to Jesus and into the light is only possible with the power of God. John is trying to help us understand that spiritually, people lost in their sin are unable to come to Jesus and into the light without the Father’s intervention.

John continues in verse 28 by saying, “You yourselves can testify that I said, ‘I am not the Christ,’ but rather, ‘I have been sent before him’” (NET). Again John makes it clear that he was simply a forerunner to Jesus. He is not the Christ but simply one that was sent to prepare the way. It was God’s plan for John to come and gather a people around him and then give them up to Jesus. This is our calling also. We are to reach out to people with God’s love and establish a connection with them to gain a hearing and as we do it is our responsibility to share the whole gospel, not just that part they might be comfortable with. We must make it clear to them that Jesus is the center of the gospel even if this might cause some to turn away or even to result in our persecution. This is not about our popularity or our safety and comfort, but about bringing people to Jesus Christ.

This brings us to verse 29 and to the heart of the section, which is about the bridegroom and the joy that results in being related to him. “The one who has the bride is the bridegroom.” Jesus is the bridegroom and we as believers make up the bride. John refers to himself as “the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him” and “rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice.” As a result of what he hears John says his joy has been made full. We will look at this next in lesson #58.


Father, as I worked on this lesson I am reminded of the importance of making connections with people to start conversations about their need for a savior. As they become interested through our growing friendship it is my responsibility to help them establish a relationship with Jesus that will exceed their relationship with me. I pray that the Holy Spirit will help me gather people that I can pass on to Jesus.

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