Monday, May 4, 2015


We have been looking at eight key words that make up John 3:16. So far we have covered seven of the eight. I decided to set aside the word love until last and devote more time to it. We will begin that study with this lesson.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 ESV). Many call this a free will offer of the gospel. This verse has been used over the centuries to bring a multitude of people to salvation in Jesus Christ, but through misuse I believe it has resulted in many being deceived into thinking they have eternal life. If the heart has been prepared and is ready this verse may be all that is needed to encourage a person to embrace Jesus Christ for salvation. But if the heart is not ready then the verse is used as leverage to persuade the mind to choose to ask Jesus into ones heart. A person may pray and be sent on their way thinking they are now a Christian when they are not and in the days ahead when they see no change in their lives they wonder about the value of the Christian faith.

We know that God loves the people of the world because he sent his Son to die, opening the door of eternal life to anyone who believes on him. But is there a more precious experience of God’s love than this? When a man chooses a woman for his wife, is his love for her more intimate than his love for others? Consider the cultural context and think about the bride being formed for God’s Son. Would not the Father choose those who make up the bride and present her to his Son? “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out” (John 6:37 ESV). Is there a different love for those chosen compared to God’s love for the world?

Does God make choices and if he does are those choices fair? In our next lesson we will look at some of those choices.


Father, I see John 3:16 as a most wonderful offer of love for which I am thankful, but when I consider you choosing me, who was spiritually dead and a rebellious sinner and being willing to transform my life and adopt me into your family, I experience a much greater love than the general love you have for the world. Your choice of me confirms your overwhelming love for me and brings me to my knees in humble thanks.

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