Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Set Free

Lesson #55

In this lesson we will finish up the section described by John 3:16 – 21. Specifically we will look at verse 21: “But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God” (NASB). To become better at something requires practice; to continue to do something over and over to gain greater proficiency at the task. The importance of practice is clear for the one who wants to excel at sports or playing a musical instrument. This idea is expresses in 2 Timothy 2:15: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” (NASB). Through practice we gain proficiency in living out the truth.

The one who practices the truth knows how to accurately handle the word of truth in life situations. As one practices the truth that person is drawn closer to the Light and there it can be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God. Those who are proud and seek some form of profit and power turn from the light and unless God intervenes, will continue on into the darkness of eternal punishment. But those who desire humility and meekness will practice the truth and will come into the light and will enjoy the benefits of eternal life in the presence of the living God.

Remember Cain and Abel back in Genesis 4:1 – 7 and the offering that each made. Cain brought the best of the fruit of the ground. It was to impress God with the best of his work. Abel brought the best of the firstborn of his flock and by faith trusted that God would accept him. God was not pleased with Cain’s offering and rejected it, but was pleased with Abel’s offering and accepted it. As a result Cain became angry and allowed sin to grow in his life to where he took the life of Abel. As we practice the truth we come to the Light where it becomes plainly evident that our works have been carried out in God, but if we practice sin we will hate the Light and try to hide in darkness. Jesus did not come to judge the world, but as the truth and light, his presence like a wedge divides people into two groups: those who love the light and those who love darkness.


Father, thank you choosing me and causing me to be born again that I would obey Jesus Christ. Thank you for the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life who continues to encourage me in obedience. Thank you for the promise that you will conform me into the image of your Son. Thank you for the living hope that fills my heart and the desire to dwell in the light of eternal life. How awesome and wonderful you are my Father. Thank you Lord Jesus for your love and sacrifice that made this possible.

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