Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Ruler of the World is Coming

Lesson #235

With this lesson we will finish chapter 14. Jesus continues to share with the disciples: “And now I have told you before it takes place, so that when it does take place you may believe” (John 14:29 ESV). At John 13:19, Jesus said: “I am telling you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you may believe that I am he” (ESV). This is not the first time he has told the disciples he would die. He wanted to be sure that when his time came, they would not be taken by surprise. By explaining to them what was to happen, and then when it does happen just as he said, they might then believe that he was truly the Son of God, the promised Messiah, and that he was then in glory, sitting at the right hand of God.

Time is short, as Jesus says: “I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no claim on me” (John 14:30 ESV). The remaining time left before the cross will not allow much more to be said. The “ruler of this world” is Satan the devil and is coming to do his work. His plans to kill Jesus seem to be coming together and soon he believes he will have victory over God. His plans are God’s plans because God is allowing him to carry them out. Little does he know what will be accomplished on the cross and that his assumed victory will be turned into his defeat. This reminds me of Haman in Ester 5:13 – 14, who had a gallows fifty cubits high made on which he would have Mordecai hanged, but events did not unfold as he had planned and in Ester 7:9 – 10, we find Haman was hanged in place of Mordecai. Satan’s plans to defeat God will be overcome and Satan defeater. As Jesus suffers on the cross, drawing closer and closer to his death, Satan was feeling pretty good, but then things began to happen and death could not hold onto Jesus and he rose victorious, sealing Satan’s defeat. The ruler of this world came to do his work, but in the end he had no claim on Jesus.

Jesus makes it clear that he is here on earth on assignment. He says: “but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. Rise, let us go from here” (John 14:31 ESV). The obedience of Jesus to carry out the wishes of his Father is evidence of his love for him. Adam Clark, in his commentary, 1832, summarized this verse so well when he wrote: “The reader should carefully note the conduct of our Lord. He goes to die as a Sacrifice, out of love to mankind, in obedience to the Divine will, and with unshaken courage. All our actions should be formed on this plan. They should have the love of God and man for their principle and motive; his glory for their end; and his will for their rule. He who lives and acts thus shall live forever. Amen.” (public domain). It is not easy to walk as Jesus walked because it requires we carry a cross, the meaning of which is clearly described by Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (ESV). This is another uniqueness of Christianity. We must die if we are to truly live. Those who truly live will appear as aliens and strangers (1 Peter 2:11 – 12 NASB) compared to those who don’t. Where on the living scale are you in your walk with the Lord?


Father, as we come to the end of chapter 14, I want to pray for those who take time to read and think about these lessons. I am amazed over how many countries of the world readers are found. They represent a variety of cultures and personal experiences. Many with freedom to express their faith in Jesus Christ and some who are found facing persecution. In whatever circumstance they find life, I pray for their endurance to remain faithful in serving the Lord; I pray for needs to be met that are hindering their walk with the Lord; I pray that resentment and the need of justice will be surrendered to God allowing love and forgiveness to rule their hearts; I pray that their souls are being nourished by the Word and that their lives are a living testimony of the wonderful salvation we have in Jesus Christ. 

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