Friday, July 15, 2016

Jesus the True Vine

Lesson #236

With this lesson we will begin chapter 15, which is divided into two major parts by the ESV Bible: I Am the True Vine, and the Hatred of the World. As before we will progress from verse to verse, as space allows, but I am considering a presentation change. Instead of three lessons each week, I am considering five shorter lessons each week. We will see how this works out.

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser” (John 15:1 ESV). A sort verse that contains so much to think about. I find it interesting to see how much space is taken up by commentators trying to decide when Jesus shared this material with his disciples and what might have prompted him to say this. We will stay focused on the verse and consider the meaning of “I am the true vine” and “my Father is the vinedresser.”

“I am the true vine” is the last of the seven “I AM” statements made in this gospel by Jesus. For a summary of these follow the link to summary. The area around Palestine abounded with vineyards and often used in reference to Jewish people. In Isaiah 5:1 – 7, God compares the illustration of a vineyard that was not bearing fruit to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Juda, who were not bearing fruit with their lives. God looked for justice but instead he found bloodshed. A growing picture of America today. In Jeremiah 2:21 we read of God’s disappointment in his people: “I had planted you like a choice vine of sound and reliable stock. How then did you turn against me into a corrupt, wild vine?” (NIV). Jesus may have had this verse in mind when he referred to himself at the true vine. In this sense, Jesus is real and genuine and truly gives what is emblematically represented by a vine. A vine is a source of life for the branches attached to it. If a branch is cut off it dies. In like manner, Jesus as the vine, is the source of life for us as believers. It is Jesus as our leader and teacher that imparts to us grace and strength to bear the fruit of holiness.

In our next lesson we will consider the role of a vinedresser in producing greater fruit.


Father, thank you for the illustration of Jesus being the vine who provides us, the branches, with all we need for life. Father, I am afraid we live depending on physical substance and give little attention to the nourishment our soul needs. Father, challenge us through future studies in this chapter to see the importance of becoming a healthier branch, attached to Jesus the true vine. 

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