Monday, April 6, 2015

Free but Costly

Lesson #32

Before we begin chapter three I believe it is important for us to focus on something that could be very painful and even discouraging. Chapter 3 looks carefully at the importance of being born again and the depths of God’s love in providing us with salvation. It is true that a person can find an abundant and meaningful life as a believer. That you hear often when one shares their faith here in the west where we still have religious freedom, but go to many eastern countries and you will find intense persecution. I know about it from serving underground in Asia. There if you accept Jesus Christ it could cost you your life. Making a choice for Jesus there is so much different than it is here in the west, but should it be?

Before starting chapter 3 and considering the topic of being born again I am requesting that you take time and listen to the interview found at the link below. It is a must listen for anyone reading these lessons living in the west. Those being persecuted are our brothers and sisters. We need to understand what life is like for them. This interview will make that very clear.


Father, I pray that this interview made it clear that our salvation came through much suffering and that in many parts of the world being your witness also involves much suffering. Father, you gave your Son for us and maybe some of us will have to give our lives as we walk with you. Prepare us for that possibility.

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