Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lack of Belief

Lesson #133

With this lesson we come to the last section of chapter 7, defined by John 7:45 – 52. In our last lesson, Lesson #132, we ended with some wanting Jesus arrested, but no one laid hands on him. In the first verse of this section we learn more about who those were who wanted to arrest Jesus and then in the next verse we learn why.

“The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, “Why did you not bring him?”” (John 7:45 ESV). The officers were temple priest that were deployed by the chief priest and Pharisees, representing the Sanhedrin, to arrest Jesus. They apparently listened to what Jesus had to say and were so moved by it that they returned without arresting him. The officers were asked why they did not obey their command and arrest Jesus. “The officers answered, “No one ever spoke like this man!”” (John 7:46 ESV). What a profound statement! There has been no other man in history who was also fully God who was able to speak with the infinite knowledge and authority of God. We have seen the effects of the power of his words in the miracles he has performed in our earlier lessons. This power tends to terrify the wicked toward their destruction, but for the believer that power provides us with eternal life and a relationship with God that we cannot yet fully comprehend.

The Pharisees were not pleased that Jesus was not arrested and brought to them. “The Pharisees answered them, “Have you also been deceived?” (John 7:47 ESV). The Pharisees were not interested in what Jesus said that so impressed the officers. Their minds were made up and they considered Jesus to be a fraud and they turned to their officers and insulted them because of the impression Jesus made on them. The officers were willing to listen to Jesus and were touched by what he said and were condemned for doing so. This is a very common response by authorities in areas of the world where persecution against believers is found. Today their hatred for Jesus is taken out on those who represent Jesus called Christians. Jesus warned us by saying, “Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and will kill you. You will be hated by all the nations because of my name” (Matthew 24:9 NET). We see this happening all around us and maybe soon we will experience it also.

The Pharisees continue their insult by saying, “Have any of the authorities or the Pharisees believed in him?” (John 7:48 ESV). The argument of the Pharisees is any person of distinction has rejected Jesus and his message. The implication is that common and thus ignorant people don’t know any better and are thus being led astray. These Pharisees are unwilling to submit to God and rely upon his word as their guide. Instead they have made up their own sinful minds, turning from the truth and following the path of unbelief to their destruction. We must be very careful we don’t make important decisions that pertain to our eternity apart from God and his revealed truth. The Pharisees are doing just that in rejecting the truth that God is delivering to them through Jesus the Son of God.


Father, how thankful I am that you have given me the Holy Spirit to discern your truth. Like the officers in our lesson, I am touched by what I learn from the Word and the more I learn the more I desire to be like Jesus. My heart is grieved by our tendency to be satisfied by what the world has to offer and not staying focused on the task you set before us. Forgive us and continue to work in our hearts.

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