Monday, March 6, 2017

Obeying Jesus to Produce Results

Lesson #336

The disciples are now on the beach with a full catch of fish. “When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread” (John 21:9 ESV). There is disagreement over whether the fire, fish and bread were a miracle. I believe they were. We know that Jesus fed the five thousand by multiplying five loaves and two fish. Surely, he would have no problem producing fish and bread for the disciples and a fire to cook the fish over.

“Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.” Jesus started breakfast with little and asks the disciples to bring some from their catch. As these fish were cooking the disciples could start eating with the little Jesus had prepared and have a time of conversation. By starting with little and then taking from the large catch was a parallel of the feeding of the five thousand. At that event they started with little and ate from the abundance.

Since doing these studies and publishing this blog, I am humbled by the growing number of countries with readers. It reminds me that as I humble myself, broken before Jesus, he can take my brokenness and multiply my writing to feed a multitude with the word of God. I am learning that out of brokenness comes much. Jesus was broken and out of it came our salvation. It is an amazing thing that the more we are poured out the more we can receive and the more we are broken the more we can be multiplied. The goal is to be as completely poured out and as completely broken as possible. That way God can reveal much more and use us to accomplish much.

In response to the request of Jesus, “. . . Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn” (John 21:11 ESV). Maybe the 153 fish indicates a full catch and Jesus ensured the nets would not tear. The point being made is that we can toil for long periods of time, working in our own strength, and accomplish little or nothing of value, but if we would yoke ourselves with Jesus we would be so much more successful and would come to better understand our working relationship with him. Here in the west we take pride is what we can accomplish, but if we would simple humble ourselves and partner with Jesus, life would be so much more productive and enjoyable. I speak from personal experience as I enjoy my time with Jesus as we write these studies and then watch the Holy Spirit take them and multiply the number of readers from a growing number of countries.


Father, as I ponder over this lesson I sense the application, at least for me, is that we can work in our own strength in our own way and accomplish little, like the disciples who fished all night and caught nothing or we can join hands with you and bear fruit. If we are willing to be broken before him and agree to submit to his urgings, we find a different picture emerges. Not only is there success, but we have the enjoyment of being with Jesus. Father, I don’t think many in the western culture think very highly of being yoked with Jesus in our everyday assignments. We are too proud for that. If we are not careful, you may allow suffering to enter the picture to break our pride down into useful humility. 

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