Thursday, February 5, 2015

What Is Next

After receiving my lesson titled, “Why Do We Need Salvation”, my friend sent back a note to me, which I responded to under the title, “What Is Man”. My friend responded back with a note, which makes our conversation even more difficult. In his note he said:

I have been trying to ask Him to reveal that He exists and help me with my spiritual work, but I could not get this so far.

I have been taught and educated in my background with Darwin's evolution of mankind, which was deeply rooted in my thinking. Thus I am very confusing myself if I do believe that Man is created by Him or evolved from billions of years of natural development.  But for spiritual world, I do believe that God helps and created a lot into our spiritual body.

Since I was not sure how to respond to this new piece of information I decided to send him another lesson on the Romans Road to think about titled, “How God Provides Salvation”. As I thought about my response I went and got my hair cut and continued my conversation with her about her spiritual life. She is different than my friend because she is totally convinced that reincarnation is the correct way where my friend is in a state of confusion. One thing that is becoming very clear to me is that unless God is at work spiritually in the person’s heart, no words of mine will have any meaning or make any difference. I need to pray to prepare the soil and I need to sow the seeds of the word, but if God has not chosen this person to be a vessel of honor then there will not be spiritual progress. I continue to pray and write, patiently waiting for a glimmer of hope, but I confess I am not sure how to continue. I eventually decided on the following.

[Name], I am not sure what to say now as I can’t find a good point to build from. It is also clear that what I am sharing of a spiritual nature is not understood. Unless God gives you the “spiritual software” needed for understanding there will not be progress. Unless there is a sincere desire to ask God for what you lack, nothing new is going to happen. I will share two simple points for now.
The problem with evolution is you cannot obtain a more complex form of life without the input of some help from outside. You should understand that from your work in the factory. Given billions of years the products you produce will not produce themselves. You can’t get man from animal through advances do to evolution. You need intelligent design and creative power to produce the marvel of man. Evolution is progress from the simple to the more complex. You are getting more from less. But if you go to the beginning, you must start with nothing. You just can’t get something from nothing without some intelligent creator producing it. Evolution was created by men who do not want a God in the picture that they might be responsible to.

Secondly, I would like you to check the following link. If you can open it, as time permits, I would like you to begin to read the gospel of John. This might help you gain some understanding. The link is:

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