Friday, February 6, 2015


After sending my friend the lesson titled, “How God provides salvation” he sent the following note back to me.

I am much understood of the relationship between Him, Christ and me. It is something in my mind or spiritual world, instead of the actual world explained by the nature of science.  My scenario is that I still focus on too much of the physical world in which I experienced real world people, things happened around myself, learning I owned, so that I can NOT be into a state of silence, peace, quietness, to trust and believe Him, to achieve spiritual satisfaction I have ever experienced.

I have been trying to pray, and deeply thinking about them every day and now I feel that I am getting less annoyed day by day!

Thank you so much for all these lessons

I then wrote a longer note back titled, “What Is Next”. Very soon my friend wrote back the following.

You have tried all your best and I have been changing but slower than you and I expected. The lessons and teaching so far work well for me, and I may need some accumulation and an icebreaker. I am just at cross road, the magic moment, where I need to have a push. I do need the spiritual belief and satisfaction in my mind, but it will take a while.  

The reason why I mentioned evolution, is that I have been confusing myself now and then with what I learned and was taught in the past 50 years in China, something deeply rooted in my brain, and it is time to make a change now.

You are right that I need to start from the basic, the basic concept of spiritual world and God, from which I can build the foundation a bit by a bit till I am very clear and calm in mind. I am to spend more time in learning from the websites you suggested.

The conversation is now back to me and I sit here prayerfully thinking what to write next.

[Name], I respect your honesty and willingness to continue reading what I write in hopes that one of the lessons might be the icebreaker or the one that turns the light on in your thinking. I send this brief note to you and then I will write the next Romans Road lesson, which I will send to you tomorrow.

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