Monday, February 16, 2015


My friend and I have exchanged a few notes that I would like to share. He wrote, “It is a pleasant thing to read all your teaching every day and trying practicing the praying.”

I wrote back, “[Name], I have included a link to a very good sermon about being like Jesus. See if you can open the link and if you have time to listen, great, or download for later. I have downloaded nearly 1300 sermons from three different sources to form a library that I can listen to at any time. I learn much this way because the sermons cover verse by verse of various books of the Bible. Link to sermon.”

My friend wrote back and said, “I can access this website. I am trying to put all the terms like love, purity, courage, kindness, responsible, etc. into our company bulletin, so that more people can read it and think about it!”

I wrote back, “[Name], thanks for your note about the use of my materials at work. Please don't mention the source of these materials and be careful about any mention of God. I don't want you getting into trouble with authorities. I probably should write to you about my experience with this and some of the dangers. The development of ethical materials is being done in other businesses and is resulting in business churches being formed. Moving ahead carefully is very important, but one of the worst things is for authorities to confront you someday and learn that a person from the west has been working with you. I must remain in the background for your protection.”

My friend wrote back and said, “Yes, received and understand what you worry, which is typical in China. But no worries for me as I am only managing it within the limited group of people but it also serves my wellness culture building initiatives on my own company only!”

I thought this correspondence might give you some insight into what I am doing with my friend.

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