Wednesday, February 11, 2015


After sending my friend the lesson titled, “Justice” he wrote back the following note.

All received and Thanks!

I have been trying to follow the sentence you provided to do the praying. Do I need to speak it out loudly or just say it silently to myself and to Him, when I am praying? I did see how we should pray, except for that you and some other western people pray before the lunch. Is it the same prayer?

I wrote back the following.

[Name], it doesn't matter how you pray, just that you believe you are sincerely having a conversation with God who is a person like God's Son, Jesus and/or Lord, or God the Father, or God the Spirit. You see God is three persons but one God. Jesus taught us to pray, "Our Father". I often start with, "Father, I . . .” or, "Lord, I . . ." Most of the time I pray silently or with a whisper because I am by myself. It doesn't matter if you stand up, sit down, kneel, or lay down. The important thing is to really know and experience that God is our Father, our Lord, our King, and one whose Son died for you and me and he loves us more than we can realize. Thanking God for our meals is a matter of choice. We thank him for whatever he has provided for us that we want to recognize. What are you thankful for that he has provided you with that you didn't have before or didn't know it came from him? As you get to know God through knowing his Son, you will come to understand his love and the kindness of his grace and your heart will fill with thanks and humility before him.  Study my prayers and see if you understand the feeling I must have toward God as I pray. The verses I show after each prayer are common verses that teach important things. Let us see how a few more of these lessons go and how they affect your walk with him. Steve

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